
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Class Information

We’d just like to welcome your child back to school. We hope this year will be a happy one!

As you may already be aware, your child’s class teacher will be Mr. Davies.

Miss Gould and Mrs Bailey will be the class Teaching Assistants at different times of the week in the mornings. For the Lucky Leopards the school day starts at 9.00a.m and finishes at 3.00pm unless they arrive and leave at the same times as their siblings.


If you have any questions please feel free to come and talk to us, we look forward to meeting you all. 


Below you will find some important information about this year;



  • It is very important that you inform us of any medical, health issues that your child may have, including allergies and other dietary needs at the beginning of the year.


  • If your child is in Year 4 and you would like them to walk home without an adult please inform us in writing to say you give them permission to walk home.


  • If for some reason, someone different is collecting your child at the end of the school day or that you are running late please contact the school office so that your child can be informed.


  • You also need to ensure that the contact details that we have for you are up-to-date. (If you are unsure, please check with the office). Please remember to inform us straight away if your telephone numbers (including work/ mobile numbers) or your address change at any time.



  • Your child will also need a flask or drink bottle containing a soft (non-fizzy) drink, preferably water. This will be available to them all day.


  • Please could you ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked on all their personal items e.g. their drink bottle, sandwich box (if they have one), coat, jumper/cardigan etc.



  • P.E. for Lucky Leopards will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears kit to school due to Covid 19 restrictions. Could your child please wear black jogging bottoms/leggings a white t-shirt, blue school jumper and trainers.


  • Spelling Tests will take place on Friday morning.  Once groups have been established your child will be given words each week to practise at home.


  • Maths homework and reading will be posted on the children’s Abacus Active learn webpage and will relate to work covered in class that week. Please sign in to Bug Club and read with your child.

    Username is the first four letters of your first name and surname.

    Password: leopards

    School code : qqk3


    Remember to click on the bugs to answer the questions. I can log in and see how you are getting on!



  • I will be sharing class news and pictures on the class page on the school website. You can also find whole school information on here. You access this at


