
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


What we have been learning in class

Mathematical Development - we have been learning about finding fractions of a number

We are learning British Sign Language and enjoy joining in and following online workshops

As part of our topic work, we have been learning about famous people who are from Wales. We created and shared a presentation all about our findings

As part of our ICT work we have been learning about emails

Expressive Arts- design and make an Easter Wreath

Our Easter activities

Sharing Welsh reading books with our peers from another class

Celebrating St Davids day

Using our school library to help us learn to read and enjoy books

Celebrating World Book day 2024

Our voice matters work as part of mental health week

Our New Topic for Spring term is How is the arts important to the people of Wales?



We have started our new topic by creating a Lucky Leopards Red dragon for our Welsh dragon reading area. 

Our introduction into our new topic what is beyond planet earth?
