
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Golden Geese (Year 2)

The Golden Geese - Year 2

Welcome to the Golden Geese class page.

We update the class page regularly so please check in to see what the class have been learning during the week. 

Accessing Home learning through an Xbox and a PlayStation


All the children have usernames and passwords to log onto hwb. The hwb platform has lots of exciting resources to use at home. Please click onto the link and access the site with your child’s username and password

Reading books 

Remember to read your school book on Bug Club every week and do the challenges at the back of the book 📖

Our Reading scheme "BUG CLUB" Home Reading books login website


Letters and sounds 
In literacy we are learning phonics through the Letters and sounds Programme. Please help your child learn these HFW. 

Week 28/9/20 Activites we have been enjoying this week

Week 21/9/20

This week in maths we are going to be learning about measuring lengths of a range of objects. Can you find some pegs, counters, coins , pebbles etc? Use these to

measure how long your dining table is, the length of your bedroom, the length of your shoes and compare your your grown ups. Look at the table below and record all

your findings of how long the items were using pegs, counters, pebbles etc 

Objects  Number of counters 

Next , now see if you can find your ruler. This time measure how long items are in cm. Place your ruler flat on the floor or table and then measure looking at the numbers to see how many cm long the objects you have chosen were. Always start on zero.  Fill in the table with your results. 


Cm long


Literacy Activities 

This weeks letters and sounds focus are:-

phase 3 :- j,v,w,x,y,z. can you learn these sounds and practise writing them correctly. 
HFW to learn this week are:-

Phase 3 Tricky Words

This week we have been busy learning about measuring

In P.E we have been learning about fitness and our heart beats

Don’t forget to log into active learn to read your reading books. 


We have been painting ourselves. We looked at our features and similarities and differences. 

Week 14/9/20

This week we are going to be continuing to talk about and reflect on the mini topic all about me but we are going to be learning and celebrating the work of Roald Dahl. 

Roald Dahl Activities for the week 

1) Can you read a Roald Dahl story
2) Draw a detailed picture of your favourite character from the story?

3) Write simple sentences based on

My favourite book  is ........

I like it because ....... 
My favourite character is .......

He/she has ....... eyes, ......... hair.

He/she is ......... 


We enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Enormous Crocodile’  by Roald Dahl . We completed book reviews and chose our favourite character to draw. We have some great artists in our class. 

The Enormous Crocodile

Roald Dahl novels

All about me activities 

Draw a detailed picture of yourself in your school uniform on an a4 piece of paper. Look at your eye colour, hair colour, number of fingers you have, eye lashes, ears etc. 
Correctly form your name underneath. 

The perfect pupil 

What is the perfect pupil? What can we see, hear and feel from a perfect pupil? 

Write a list of things you think are important and that you have that makes you the perfect pupil in our school. 

Week 7/9/20 

This week we have been learning all about ourselves, the perfect classroom and the perfect pupils. All the children have been very busy and have created their own class wall display all about what they have been learning. 


Week beginning September the 7th
