
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Class Information

School times
Our school day starts at 8.50am and finishes at 2.50pm. Morning playtime is at 10am and lunch is at 11:50 to 12:30. 


Class Teachers in the Golden Geese are:- 


Mrs Stephens ( Monday, Tuesday Wednesday am) 

Mrs Hansen-Spure (Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday) 

Teaching Assistant

Miss Long


This spring terms topic is:- 


The Wonderful World around us”
This term we are going to be learning about Tonyrefail, Wales, Australia and Antarctica.

We are going to be comparing and contrasting Wales with Australia and Antarctica. We are going to be learning about facts from these places, the feature of these countries, the weather and climate,  animals that live in them, people and cultures from these places, famous people and fables and tales related to the places, flags from these places and much more depending on the interest of what the children want to learn.

Bug club reading at home


Username is the first four letters of your first name and surname.

Password: geese

School code : qqk3


Your child can bring a morning fruit snack. Please do not send crisps, biscuits, crackers, cheese etc. Just fruit and a water bottle.  


P.E is going to be different this term as all session at the moment will be taking place outside please can your child dress in their P.E kit for school on a Thursday. For the safety of your child and others please could you ensure that your child is not wearing earrings, necklaces and watches/ bracelets? P.E kit is black jogging bottom or leggings and a white t-shirt or the schools blue P.E kit T-shirt.

Water bottles:

Please can you provide your child with a bottle of water every day with their names clearly labelled on the bottle? Bottles will be returned at the end of each day
