
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Golden Geese (Year 2)

Croeso / Welcome to Year 2 Class. Our class name is the 'Golden Geese' as chosen by all the children in the class.


My names is Mrs Jones and I am the class teacher. 

I look forward to keeping you up to date on here,  with the fun we have in our class as we learn.







Home School Activities: W/C 6.7.20


  • Cardiff City Football Club: Keeping Children Active: 

  • You have received activity booklets to work on at home. Please try your best to complete them.
  • Keep reading on Bug Club'
  • Practise your daily phonics with letters and sounds interactive games 

  • Practise your literacy and numeracy skills on Topmarks

Log in to your HWB accounts and go on J2E and then Jit:

Write: Choose a back ground and write sentences using the word bank related to the background of your choice, add some pictures. Remember to save it so I can see your work.

Paint: Create your own picture, insert pictures. Save your work.

Turtle: Practise your coding and directions.



Practise your spelling/ phonics or go live and compete with your friends.


Fortnightly Challenge #3- 29.6.20- 11.7.20


School challenge: Over the next 2 weeks, we are collecting photographs for our school video 'The Tref-Y-Rhyg Bake off'. We would love to see photographs of your child in cooking, . Please send the photos to my email address:

                                    Fortnightly Challenge #2- 15.6.20


School challenge: Over the next 2 weeks, we are collecting photographs for our school video 'The Tref-Y-Rhyg Flower Show'. We would love to see photographs of your child in a garden, on a walk, planting seeds, watering flowers, looking at nature. Please send the photos to my email address:


Literacy Activities W/C 22.06.20

Home School Learning Activities: 15.6.20


This week is 'National Flower Week' so your learning will focus on  flowers and plants.

There are maths, phonics and topic activities all about flowers below.


Have you planted any flowers during lockdown?

What have you planted?

Maybe you could plant some this week and keep a diary of its growth.

Write instructions on how to plant/ look after flowers/ seeds.



Look at famous artists  that have drawn flowers, such as Van Goch, Monet, Mondrian... etc. Which painting is your favourite? can you re create their art work? this can be done by drawing and painting, collage, craft or using paint tools on HWB.

Can you draw a flower using 'observational drawing skills' 



Take a picture of flowers and use photo app to change the photo, e.g black and white, monochrome, and create a pic collage of your favourite effect.

Can you animate the life cycle of a plant using 'animate' on HWB J2E.





8.6.10: Literacy Activities

 'Girl and Robot':


A 3D animated steam-punk set in a futuristic 1892.
A young girl builds a steam powered robot but has trouble getting it started.  After turning up her power source too high the machine explodes, spraying cranks, pistons and sprockets around the room.
There is a surprising and touching ending as we discover that the robot is alive and has saved our heroine from a falling girder. 

Suggested Activities:

  • Watch the film up to the title screen.  Ask the children if they can guess what it is going to be about.  Are there any clues.
  • Watch some more and ask the children to come up with questions.  (Why is she building it? where are her parents? Why is she not at school? etc)
  • The children can collect vocabulary to do with machinery, cranks, pipes, spanners, sprockets and bolts.  They can then use this vocabulary in their written work.
  • Design their own robots and label with descriptions. 
  • Create a 'main points' for the story and use these to write a narrative.
  • Create a diary page for the girl, charting her successes and failures over a week.  Perhaps using language to show her 
  • rustration.  
  • What happens next?  Children write the next part of the story.
  • Write instructions for building a robot.
Robot Themed Topic Activities 8.6.20

Robot Activities

8.6.20: Maths Activities

Fortnightly Challenge!



Every 2 weeks, the pupils in Tref- Y -Rhyg will be having a challenge. We would love photographs to show your child's creations so that we can put together a video.


The first challenge will be called:

'Amazing Art Ninjas'.

Some of your children may have watched The Art Ninja on CBBC. All we need is a photo of your child holding a piece of art work they have done - this could be a drawing, painting, model, collage etc. We can't wait to see your beautiful works of art. I have text you my email address so that you can send me your photos. Happy creating!


Home School Learning activities 18.05.20

Bore da/ Good Morning. I hope you are all well and staying safe. 

Here are this weeks activities for you to try.

Remember to keep working on your phonics and reading activities daily.


Numeracy Activities 18.05.20

Today it is my Nans 97th Birthday! 

  • What year was she born in?
  • How old was my nan when you were born?
  • Who is the oldest in your family?
  • Can you order the ages of family members from oldest to youngest?
  • What Years were they born in? Can you order the years in date order?
  • What months were they born in? Put their birthdays in order throughout the year.
  • Can you collect data e.g., months family members were born in, ages, year born etc. Create a graph by hand or using 'hwb j2e' to show the data you collected. 
  • How many days is it until your birthday/ or a member of your family?
  • Look at months of the year, how many days are there in each month? 
  • Can you find the rhyme to help you remember the number of days in each month? 
  • How many weeks In a month/ year?
  • How many hours in a day/ week/month?
  • How many minutes in an hour/ day/ week/month?
  • How many seconds in a minute/ hour/ day?



Below are some problem solving activities involving time. Have a go!


Literacy and Topic activities.

This weeks focus is Minibeasts and these activities could be extended for you to try over the Half term Holiday next week.

  • Use the Minibeast word mat to practices spelling them correctly, test yourself or ask a family member to test you on the spellings. Write simple sentences using the correct spellings. e.g A butterfly is symmetrical.
  • Go on a minibeast hunt. Use the Minibeasts Data sheet ( or create your own) to record how many of each minibeast you found. Create a graph to show your results.
  •  Use the Minibeast labelling sheet to label parts on an insect. (print off or draw your own insect to label correctly)
  • find out what the job of each part of the insect does. e.g.: Wings: The Wings help the bee to fly. 
  •  Practise drawing your own minibeast with help from this video
  •  Read the minibeast fact cards and use it to help write your own insect fact file following the layout of the Insect Templates document.
  •  Get crafty making different minibeasts. Here is a link to some ideas
  •  Play Minibeasts top trumps ( print off the cards or create your own) 
  • Are all Minibeasts Symmetrical?
  • Create your own Minibeasts book (choose one minibeast) include a front page, contents, and glossary. this can be written or using a story/book making app. 

HWB JIT5  DCF (ICT)Activities

Log in to HWB using your HWB log in details and selects JUST2EASY (J2E) on the menu waffle (9 little squares)

Open JIT5

WRITE: choose the woodland background and write about minibeasts.

PAINT: either choose Woodland background or a blank one and create a minibeast scene, draw minibeasts on your picture.

Turtle: Choose 'Flower' theme and direct the Butterfly to the different flowers. 

Chart/ Pictogram: use the data collected from you minibeasts hunt to create a graph or pictogram.

Animate: choose' woodland' scene and 'Minibeasts' in your pictures, can you create a minibeast scene and show your minibeast moving around, maybe a bee going from flower to flower, or a spider making a web, or the cycle of a butterfly. 

Homes School Learning: W/C 11.05.20

Hello, I hope you are all well and staying safe.  I have been hearing lots of lovely stories about you all this last week, from decorating your garden and street for VE Day, to taking part in VE day window competitions, cooking and having fun chatting to your friends virtually. Well done to you all. I am very proud of you! Keep up the good work.


Using you 5W's ( Bottoms on the Rugby Post)write about your VE day Celebrations.


Below is activities for you to try for Literacy, Numeracy and Topic.

Remember to keep up with your daily reading and phonics!

Home School Learning Activities: 04.05.20


Today is Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!)wink

Do you like Star Wars? Have you watched any of the films? What film is your favourite?

Do you know the Characters? Who is your favourite Character? 

Maybe you could research Star Wars and the different films. Who produced them? When were the films released? 

draw some of the characters? Do you have any Star Wars dress up clothes? could you pretend you are in the film and act out a scene? Think of your own ideas to celebrate Star Wars day.

Literacy Activities: W/C 4.5.20

Please find below a list of suggested activities for this week. Please continue to work on Phonics and Bug Club reading during this time as these skills are very important.

Numeracy Activities : 5.4.20

This week I would like you to concentrate on your measuring skills in Length, Weight and Capacity.


Measure objects around your home/ in your garden, will you measure in cm's, MM's or M's  ? what was the longest/ shortest object you measured? order the lengths shortest to longest/ longest to shortest?

find out about lengths of animals/ mammals/ minibeasts etc. Compare lengths using the statements,  


… is shorter/ longer than ….

… is the shortest/ longest....'s/ m's longer/ shorter than.....



  • Identify heavier/ lighter / heaviest and lightest.
  • look at the units of measure for weight. G, KG, T (find out what these letters stand for) 
  • find objects in your food cupboards , find the weight of the food on the labels. Use the comparative language about to compare different items and order them.
  • Find items around the house that you think will way the same as the labelled food items. Hold the labelled item in one hand and the other household object in another. Are they the same weight? heavier/ lighter? ask an adult and to try and see if they agree with you. if you have a weighing scales you can check to see who was the winner! 
  • with a 1KG bag of potatoes (or something else that is 1kg) find items that are lees than, more than or the same as 1KG.
  • With a weighing scales, measure different objects, try guessing its weight first write down your guess and see if you were correct or how far from the actual weight you were. 
  • Find a recipe, can you weigh out the ingredients, or if you haven't got the ingredients, make up the weights of the ingredients using any objects, stones, lego pieces, crisps, anything that you are allowed to use and is suitable and safe. 


Similar activities as above but looking for ml, l, pints, gallons with liquid items.

Hopefully you can do this outside, or in the bath. 

How many litres/gallons do you think it would take to fill up a bath?

would you measure the capacity of a bath in ML? explain your reason.


Have fun!



Interactive Measuring activities for W/C 5.4.20

W/C 27.04.20

 Good morning /Bore da.

I hope that you are keeping well and safe, and finding plenty of opportunities to smile and laugh with each other during this difficult time. I am missing the children so much and think about you all daily. It has been lovely to speak to some children on the phone during our check in phone calls, if any children would like to speak to me while I am making these calls, they are very welcome.


Below are some suggested activities for this week, I do not expect you to complete every task, as each and every one of you are in different situations. It is important however that they keep up with the phonics, reading, handwriting and maths pack that I sent out. There are also any activities, from previous weeks on the website, not completed can still be completed in your own time.

Numeracy Activities W/C 27.04.20

Please find below activities for numeracy this week. Please keep practising your 'Learn its' and number formation daily and remember to go back to activities from previous weeks for revision.

Problem Solving and Reasoning Acitvities

Number and Counting Activities

Counting in 2's 5's and 10's an introduction to multiplication

2's, 5's and 10's Times tables: Can you start to learn them off by heart and in different orders and quick fire questions?

Challenge: Multiplication Wheels

Topic Activities 27.04.20

There are a lot of changes happening all around us, from the weather and plants to the animals. Can you investigate the life cycles of a seed, certain flowers (Dandelions are an interesting one at the moment ) Frogs, Butturflies?

How Will you present your findings?

you could:

  • Create a Life Cycle Wheel
  • Create a poster
  • Write explanations
  • Create an iMovie on your computer/ Iapd/ Phone.

Research ideas on how you can present your work about life cycles, you can be as creative as you want.

Rhiannon Art Tutorials and free downloads.

Like her Facebook Page 'Rhiannon Art' to post your child's  pictures.

Hopefully this simple step by step video will help you and your children get a bit more creative in this difficult time. 💗

I’d love to see you all (children AND adults 😉) attempt to create your very own magical painting!

Use your imagination, be brave with colour and take your time 💫🎨




Click on the link below to see the video on my YouTube channel:


Happy Planets


Rhiannon has been busy creating this special design ‘Happy Planets’  for you all to download and print off. I want you all to have a go at colouring it in! 🖍
Click on the link to view and download the image:
If you need some motivation, Rhiannon will be selecting her favourite design in a few weeks time and it’ll be turned into a 16x20” printed canvas for the winner 💥😮
For tips and ideas, feel free to click on the link below to watch a video of Rhiannon and her sister sister giving it a go! 🎨

26.03.2020: Home School activities:

Hello to my amazing Golden Geese! I hope you are all well and staying safe. Missing you all lots! 

If you have completed last weeks activities, here are a few more for this week.



Can you....

Learn to tie your shoe laces?

Ride a 2 wheel bike?

Learn to say hello/ goodbye in 3 different languages?

Create pictures using natural materials?

Go on a mini beast hunt in your garden?

Bake a cake with an adult?

Make up a new game and write the rules?


Literacy activities:

  • Write about what you have done this week/ today, don't forget to use ' H (wwwww) (...because I am still nosey, even if I cant see you every day in school! )
  • Listen to an audio book by David Walliams
  • Write a story using Pobble365. (Daily picture Stimuli, with ideas for imaginative writing
  • Go on a sound hunt for phase 3/5 sounds ( e.g find 'ea'- leaf, 'ow'- window , 'ey'- key etc) take a picture and create your own sound mat using pic collage/ similar app)


  • Continue to read on 'Bug Club' ( I look forward to hearing you read again ASAP)smiley
  • Practise your phonics with  'Letters and sounds' remember to read the sentences and different word sets in the 'resources' section for each phase.
  • Daily handwriting practise, remember finger spaces, and no Tinkerbell letters (flying, not sitting on the line)


Mathematics activities:


Creative Development activities:




W/C 16.03.2020 :Activities to complete at home with your children will be listed below.

  • A general resource pack will be sent home with your child/ren. This will include ongoing daily activities such as:
  • handwriting practise
  • Letters and Sounds Phonics Activities for reading and writing,
  • Big Maths Mental Maths.

In addition to this:

  • A list of more specific weekly activities will be put on the class page for Literacy, Mathematics and Topic based activities.
  • Weblinks will be added for interactive maths and literacy activities.
  • Bug club for reading.
  • Allocated maths activities on Active learn/ Abacus.

Home School Learning Activities 16.03.2020:

Language Literacy and Communication (LLC)

  •  Read a book/ watch a children's film: choose 2 characters (A Goody and a Baddy!)
  • Make a list of adjectives to describe both characters.
  • Write sentences to describe the characters, include your own drawing of the characters.
  • Role play your characters in the film/ book with family members.
  • Write about what you have done each day (diary).
  •  Make a story map of 'Gelert'/ retell it orally using 'Pie Corbett ' actions and make up some of your own.
  • Write the story of Gelert following the previous activities.


Mathematical Development (MD)

  •  Practise reading the time ( o'clock, half past, quarter past/to)
  •  Make your own analogue clock face using your toys in the shape of numbers or representing the number of hours, use your body to be the hands of the clock and show different times.
  •  Draw the times of your favourite TV programmes, and make your own TV guide.
  •  Find out times of fitness classes/ Children's clubs/ activities around your local area (leisure centre/ community centres etc) using the internet.
  • Find out the times the shops open and close in your local area. Make shop signs showing the open and closing times.



Topic based activities: 'Love Where We Live'

  •  Use Google maps/Earth to look around our local area and Wales. Can you find your street?, can you find our school?
  • Make a map of your house, street , the school area, or Tonyrefail high street.
  • Write directions from your house/ room to different areas in your house/ area.
  • Draw the view from your window in the style of 'Rhiannon Art'

Home School Learning activities:  Interactive Maths and Reading

Children have been allocated interactive maths games on 'Abacus Active Learn.'

All children can access their reading books through 'Bug Club'

Log in details to be sent out.

Breaking down the sentences.

Still image for this video
Yr wythnos hwn, rydyn ni'n dysgu i (This week, we have been learning to) say what type of house we live in.
Using the sentence pattern Dw i'n byw mewn ... I live in a ... We used hoops for each part of the sentence to help us remember each part and the correct order. The written parts of the sentence were written on the whiteboards. The children had to jump or step into each hoop saying the correct part of the sentence. The last hoop was the type of house. Once the child had completed their sentence, they could choose and draw the next type of house on the whiteboard for the next person to say. You could try this at home, just ask your children what to do, they are great teachers!

Children as educators.

Still image for this video
Rydyn ni'n dysgu am (We have been learning about) the different types of house in welsh. Using a method called Total Physical Response (TPR) the children learn through physical actions. The teacher is non verbal, and demonstrates an action/ physical response. They respond orally. The children enjoy learning with this method, they find it lots of fun. So this time I handed them my role. Ask them to teach you at home.

Learning how to construct our new welsh sentence pattern, llawer o hwyl, a gwaith da iawn!

Making pancakes part 2! No rain this time!

Making pancakes Part 1!... The rain stopped play!

W/C 24.02.2020

This week we have been preparing for our Eisteddfod.

we were judged on our:



Recital of a Welsh poem/ Song.

We practised, we used water colours, we drew daffodils.

Cymru am Byth! 

Artists at work !

W/C 10.02.2020


We have been learning to:

  • Retell, plan and write the story of Little Red Riding Hood using 'Pie Corbett' story telling actions.



We have been learning to:

  • identify features of our local area.


We were finding out about what is in our local area. We walked around Tonyrefail and some of our parents joined us! Diolch.

W/C 03.02.20


We have been learning how to:

Write directions to different parts of the school.


use and identify right angles and turns to solve problems.

identify fact families.

SSSHHHHH!!! Architects at work! We have been following and drawing maps of our school this week. Look at the concentration, and their smiles!

W/C 27.01.20: We have had a busy week this week! 


We have been learning how to:

  • describe the position of items in the classroom using prepositions; 'in, on, under, opposite, and next to.


We have been learning:

  • about half, quarter and whole turns in clockwise or anticlockwise directions.
  • how to read and follow directional and positional language.
  • about odd and even numbers.
  • about reading and writing numbers to 100.



We have been learning to:

  • read, follow and create maps of our school.



Using directional and positional language, turns..... and having fun!

What Will We be Learning This Week? 20.01.2020.


Language Literacy and Communication (LLC)

We will be learning to:

  • Retell stories using, Pie Corbett 'Talk4Writing'.

  • use ordering words, e.g. first, next, then, lastly, to sequence instructions.

  • Read, and write High Frequency Words (HFW) / 'Tricky' words.

  • identify different purposes of books and how they are organised.


Mathematical Development (MD)

We will be learning to:

  • Read and measure temperature.

  • Identify odd and even numbers.

  • Understand ½ and ¼ and whole turns.

  • Use directional and positional language.

  • Give change up to £1.







Thank you and diolch  to the parents who attended the website launch today and joining your children with their learning.


For those of you who were unable to make it, please look at the information/weblinks/documents under the title 'Pie Corbett Story Telling'

We look forward to inviting you in again soon!  smiley

Class Information Letter To Parents. January 2020

Spring Term 2020 Topic Overview : 'Love Where We Live'
