
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Noble Narwhals (Year 5 / 6)

Friday 17th July

This will be my last post of the term as we embark on the summer break. It’s called the best homework ever from Pobble, how many can you do? Check out the link below.
I hope year 6 have a great day today on their last day at Tref -Y-Rhyg! Have fun, stay safe and see you all soon! 

Thursday 16th July 



Have a look at the image ‘Under the Bed’ in the link below and try activities story starter, question time, sentence challenge and perfect picture.



Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum – KS2 questions in increasing difficulty. Click the link below. 



Choose from one of the 25 non screen activities I posted yesterday! Have fun!

Wednesday 15th July 

I know you have been enjoying the non screen activities. Here are 25 new non screen activities for you to try out. Please click the link below. 

Tuesday 14th July 

Good morning please see your final learning packs for the term for Year 5 and Year 6. Year 6 includes Maths work on angles and Literacy work on modal verbs and creative writing. For year 5 Maths work includes work on polygons and reflection and Literacy work on modal verbs and reading comprehension. Remember read the guidance carefully especially if you get stuck. Have fun! 

Monday 13th July

Good Morning I hope you all have had a great weekend and ready for more activities. Today, I have got three great lessons below from Tom and Cardiff City! Have fun! 

Topic - Art Graphic Designer

Friday 10th July 


Can you write a new ending for one of the books you have read or a Book Club book? 

How could you change the ending? Could it have a twist? Could a lost friend be found? 


An animation that helps you understand the game of Nim from Nrich then try it out for yourself. Check the link below! 

You have got until Monday to send me your baking pictures, remember you must be supervised by an adult when baking. 

Thursday 9th July 

25 non-screen activities from Pobble that help make the Earth a better place. Our earth is very special, these activities will help you reflect on how we can make it a better place. 

1. Imagine you’re a reporter, can you write a news report from today? What is the major event you will write about?

2. Interview someone in your family about the world today, what will you ask? Write down their answers.

3. Plant a seed! Plants can save the earth! Can you plant a tree that will last for years?

4. Clean up your patch of earth — go out for a walk in your area, collect litter that has been dropped and put in the bin. Don’t forget a pair of gloves and a rubbish bag.

5. Quiz time! Can you think of ten questions about the earth today? Try them out on someone! How many can they answer correctly?

6. What does the earth look and feel like today? Can you write a short description? Include what you like and don’t like.

7. Hello me! Write a letter to yourself to open in 20 years’ time.

8. Investigate! How are we harming the earth at the moment? How can we change that? Write down what you discover.

9. Write a poem, song or rap to remind people to look after the earth. Perhaps the title could be ‘pollution solution’.

10. What would it be like to time travel? Write a story about it! Which year will you travel to? What does the earth look like then?

11. Wild art! Collect things from the garden and make a piece of art. A picture or sculpture from twigs or leaves, or something else.

12. Upcycle! Use items from your recycling to make something cool. A model, a piece of art or something else.

13. Write a diary entry of a memorable day from this year. Make sure you include how it made you feel.

14. Should we celebrate Earth Day every year? Or should every day be Earth Day? Debate and discuss with someone you know.

15. Ask a friend or family member to write a letter to you, keep it safe and re-read it in years to come.

16. Draw, paint or make a model of what you think the earth will look like in 20 years’ time.

17. Take charge! Can you be in charge of recycling in your house?

18. Favourite things. What are they at the moment? Write a list. How much do you think they will change over time?

19. Draw a self-portrait. What do you look like now?

20. Be thankful. Write a list or draw a picture of all the things you’re thankful for on Earth right now

21. Start a scrapbook. Collect things from this year to include in it. Photos, newspaper clippings, tickets. What else could you include?

22. Going for goals. Write a list of your goals for the future. What do you hope to achieve?

23. Eco-warrior! Create a list of the rooms in your house and monitor how often the lights are used. Can you save electricity in any of them?

24. Design and make a poster of all the ways we can look after the earth.

25. Make a time capsule. You could include all of the things you produce from these activities. What else? Hide it away and don’t open it for years to come.


Wednesday 8th July 



Have a look in the image ‘Secret Library’ in the link below and try activities story starter, question time, sentence challenge and perfect picture.

5 a day Maths challenges. Bronze, silver, gold and platinum challenges! 


Tuesday 7th July 

Have a look at the great Year 5 and 6 packs below. Year 5 includes area of rectangles in Maths and non chronological reports for Literacy. Year 6 includes multiplying fractions by integers and also non chronological reports. I have included guidance if you need any help. 


Tref-Y-Rhyg Bake Off please send your photographs to my email. Remember an adult needs to supervise at all times when baking! Have fun! 

Monday 6th July 

Good morning I hope you all had a good weekend don’t forget about the Tref-Y-Rhyg Bake Off Challenge please send your pictures to my email address I sent you all. 


Tom and Cardiff City have some more fantastic sessions for you below to work on. 

Literacy You’re The Editor

Cardiff City Foundation are committed to supporting children, young peoples and families lead healthier more active lives and are piloting an online support session for parents of primary aged children running 
on Thursday 16th July at 2pm


The session has been created due to parental feedback from the Bluebirds from Home festival informing us they would like more support of how to keep their children physically active during the lockdown period and the school holidays. 


Parents are able to sign up to the FREE session on the below link, numbers are limited to 40 parents on a first come first basis. 



Your next 2 week challenge is to bake something of your choice under ADULT SUPERVISION. Ask an adult to take a picture of you with something you baked and send it to my email address so we can make a cool video to share with everyone. Happy baking! 

Friday 3rd July 

I have posted lots of Maths and Literacy activities this week and you should also  receive a new paper pack soon if you have not done already with further Literacy and Maths activities with guidance to help. Please have a look at these, I will be calling weekly as usual and can help if you get stuck 

Check out these ICT Mini Missions to build computational thinking skills from Barefoot Computing.  


Thursday 2nd July


25 MORE fun and meaningful ideas to choose from and you don’t need a device! 

  1. Get doodling! Grab some paper and pens and doodle anything you like! Animals, aliens or something else.
  2. Create your own animal. Could you combine two of your favourites? What will you call it?
  3. Design and draw a new musical instrument. How would you play it and what will it sound like?
  4. Make up your own 5 minute exercise routine. What will you include
  5. Can you make up your own jokes? Tell them to someone to make them laugh!
  6. Make some jewellery. Use anything you can find around the house. Strips of wrapping paper or rolled up magazines make great beads!
  7. Paper aeroplane challenge! Make a paper aeroplane and see how far you can fly it! Can you make a target and try to aim for it?
  8. Fingerprint art! Use only your fingertips and paint to create a picture.
  9. Make a bookmark to use when you’re reading.
  10. Make some wild art using sticks, leaves, flowers and anything else you can find outdoors.
  11. Quick draw! Set a 1 minute timer, draw a quick doodle and see if the other person can guess what it is before the time is up.
  12. Write a silly sentence that includes all of these words… BANANA, CURTAIN, DOLPHIN, SNOW and BALLOON. Now think of your own words and write some more!
  13. How many different words can you make from the letters in this sentence?… Keeping my brain busy is fun
  14. Ping pong story telling! Write the opening sentence to a story, then someone else writes the next line. Then it’s your turn again! Keep alternating until you have a full story.
  15. Guess the character! Think of a character from a book, write it down so no-one can see. Have others ask you questions to try and guess which character you chose.
  16. Make a finger puppet! Use a paper cone to make a body, then attach a paper head.
  17. Describe the most disgusting meal EVER! What is in it? Spaghetti worms, toenails on toast or something else?
  18. Create a comic strip about an animal who turns into a superhero. Which animal will you choose?
  19. Create a family kindness jar. Every time someone does something kind, write it down and put it in the jar. When the jar is full you all deserve a special treat!
  20. Find a fun place to sit and read a book. Under the bed? Up a tree? Where will you go?
  21. How many words can you think of that rhyme with WRITE?
  22. Write a recipe for ‘Springtime’. What will you include? Flowers? Sunshine? What else?
  23. Use you body to make the shape of a letter. How many more can you make? Can you make every letter in the alphabet?
  24. Play alphabet bingo! Can you spot an item in your home or garden that starts with the letter a,b,c and so on?
  25. Start a diary. Write a short entry every day about what you do and how you feel. It will be good to look back on when you’re older.

Wednesday 1st July 

Good morning check out the year 5 and 6 packs below for this week. For year 5 there are activities on angles in Maths and paragraphs in non fiction in Literacy. For year 6 there is activities on ratio in Maths and paragraphs also in non fiction for Literacy. Use the guidance carefully as this is really useful to remind you and help! 

Tuesday 30th June 

Good morning, below are three great lessons from Tom at Cardiff City!! 

Monday 29th June 

I hope you all have had a good weekend and are ready for more activities this week!



Have a look at the image Moving House  from Pobble 365 try the story starter, question time, sentence challenge and picture perfect. 

Using the welsh patterns we have been working on can you write a dialogue for you and someone in your house? 

Look at the writing frame document below for reminders and guidance on patterns. 

Writing frame guidance

Poly Plug Triangles 

The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is? 

Friday 26th June 

Can you write a book review for one of your Bug Club books or any other book you have read. What type of book was it? What were the characters like? What were the bests bits? How could the book be improved? Would you recommend the book? Why? 


Look at this division problem problem in the link below from Nrich. 
Look at different ways of dividing things. What do they mean? How might you show them in a picture, with things, with numbers and symbols?


You've only got today and the weekend to send your Flower Show pictures in please keep sending them! 

Thursday 25th June 

Have a look at the link below. 

Ben Fogle reads from Mr Dog and the Faraway Fox and shares his tips for becoming a nature explorer. There are also some activities for you to complete, there are lots of others authors for you to explore in the family time section. 


Below is some revision on coordinates and extending 4 quadrants which we did earlier in the year, Remember “walk before you fly.” Also, there is some good guidance 
at the beginning of the pack. 



Don’t forgot about the Flower Show Challenge, you have until Monday to send your pictures in so we can create another a video to share with you all!

Wednesday 24th June 


Have a look at the image in the link below called ‘Jumbled’ try the activities, story starter, sentence challenge, question tone and perfect picture. Have fun! 


Have a look at these 5 a day Maths challenges. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum – KS2 questions in increasing difficulty


Have a look at this great Art website in the link below.Brilliant lessons and tutorials on how to draw, paint and do origami. 

Tuesday 23rd June 

I posted lots of Literacy and Numeracy activities for you to be getting on with don’t forget your Bug Club books too. 

Have a look at the 25 fun and creative non screen activities below, you can do at home that are related to cooking! You do not need a device for these, have fun! 

  1. Write a recipe for happiness. What are the essential ingredients you need to include?
  2. Design the front cover of your own recipe book. What will you call your book and how will you make it stand out?
  3. Get revolting! What is the most disgusting menu you can think of? Design and create your own revolting menu.
  4. Make your own chef’s hat. What will you use to make it? Newspaper or something else?
  5. What makes a good friend? Can you write a recipe with the key ingredients?
  6. Create a recipe for a happy family. What do you need to mix together and how would you do it?
  7. Make a model of your favourite pizza. Use bits you find around the house. What toppings will you include? Bottle top pepperoni perhaps?
  8. Write a song or rap about your favourite food OR about your least favourite food.
  9. Draw a picture of the best dessert you can possibly imagine!
  10. What do you need to make a healthy human? Draw a diagram to explain.
  11. Start a food journal. Write down your favourite meals, ingredients and recipes.
  12. Imagine you need to make a cake for a special event. It needs to have 5 layers of different flavours. Design and label how it would look.
  13. Word Search fun! Create your own word search using words on the topic of food or cooking, then ask someone to complete it.
  14. Imagine you discovered a new type of fruit! What would you call it? What would it look like and taste like? Write a description of it.
  15. If you had your own restaurant, what would it be like? Would it have a theme? Make a model of it using things you find around the house.
  16. How would you create a united community? Write down your method and the ingredients you would use.
  17. The perfect teacher! Write a list of the ingredients you would need to make the best teacher in the world. Perhaps you already know one?
  18. Grow your own. Can you save the seeds from something you eat and plant them to grow your own?
  19. Get baking! Find a recipe you like and have a go at completing it. What will you make? Biscuits, pancakes, buns or something else?
  20. Healthy body. Exercise is just as important as eating well. Can you create your own daily workout routine and try it out?
  21. How many words can you think of that rhyme with COOK? Write a list.
  22. Rainbow foods. There are 7 colours in the rainbow. Can you think of a food that’s the colour of each one? Draw a picture to show these.
  23. Potion power! Imagine you have the power to create a potion. What would your potion do and how would you make it?
  24. Alphabet food! Can you name something you would find in the kitchen that starts with the letter a,b,c and so on?
  25. Put on a show! Can you put on a cookery show? Explain what you are doing at each step so it’s simple for others to follow.

Monday 22nd June 

I hope you have all had a good weekend. Please see below for today’s activities. Year 5 will be working on subtracting decimals In Maths and using colons in Literacy. Year 6 will be working on area and perimeter in Maths and using was and were in Literacy. Please look at the guidance also that goes with the work this is very useful especially if you get stuck. For topic don’t forget about our Flower Show challenge you still have one week left!


A chance to win a signed Cardiff City Shirt

Please click on the link below and complete the form to be in with a chance of winning a signed Cardiff City shirt 

Friday 19th June 

It’s Cardiff City Home Festival Sports Day!

All the activities and everything you need to know are in the link below. I hope you have great fun and a good rest on the weekend! 

Friday Sports Day Activitities

Thursday 18th June 

I hope you are all enjoying the challenges! See below for today’s Cardiff City Home Festival activities.


Thursday Activities

Wednesday 17th June 

Good morning, please see below for today’s Cardiff City Home Festival activities. I hope you have fun! 

Wednesday Activities

Tuesday 16th June

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities and you are enjoying the Home Cardiff City Festival fun! Here are some more Literacy, Wellbeing and P.E activities for you! 


Tuesday Activities

Monday 15th June

I hope you have all had a good weekend. Thank you to those of you who have sent in your fantastic art work. We are busy putting them all together into a video for you all to see. Well done to everyone that took part.

For the next two weeks the whole school challenge is -


The Tref-y-Rhyg Flower Show🌺

We want to see if any of you have or will be planting seeds/plants in your garden or in your home. It doesn’t matter if they are vegetables or flowers. You have two weeks to send your photos back to my email addresses I sent you by text. We look forward to seeing what you have been growing. 

Cardiff City Home Festival 

This week I will be posting daily across the curriculum activities designed by Tom and the Cardiff City Team for you to have a go at! Please see below for today’s activities. Have fun!



Monday Activities

Friday 12th June 

Try and beat your best Big Maths Beat That Ultimate Challenge score. If you haven’t already, today id the last day to finish and send me your picture with you and your Art challenge. I’ve sent you lots of Literacy and Numeracy activities this week to do so have another go at anything you did not complete. Also, don’t forget next week is the Cardiff City Football Home Festival, I will be posting activities everyday and at the end of the week sports day home activities. Have a great weekend! 

Thursday 11th June

Have look at this great activity pack with reading, writing and drawing activities designed to extend learning and growth beyond the classroom.

Wednesday 10th June 

Have a look at the image called ‘Locked’ in the link below. Have a go at the activities story starter, question time, sentence challenge, grammar/punctuation and picture it.

Tuesday 9th June 

Lots of you liked the Learning Packs last week from Classroom Secrets and said the guidance and tutorial videos really helped. Below are new Learning Packs for Year 5 and 6. Year 5 will be working on Fractions and Decimals in Maths and Direct and Indirect Speech in Literacy. Year 6 will also be working on Direct and Indirect Speech and Apostrophes in Literacy and Finding a Rule in Maths. Remember look at the guidance and tutorial videos very carefully to help you. Have fun! 

Monday 8th June

Good morning I hope you all had a good weekend and your Art challenges are going well, don’t forget to email your picture of your Art so we can make a video to celebrate all your excellent work. There are Literacy, Numeracy and Topic activities set by Tom from Cardiff City below. Have a look and have fun!


Friday 5th June

See if you can beat you Ultimate Challenge Big Maths score from your pack!

I have posted lots this week so I’m sure you have plenty to get on with. Don’t forget about the Art challenge and emailing a picture of you with your piece of Art so we can make a video with everyones piece of Art! I hope you all have a great weekend! 

Thursday 4th June 

Have a look at the Year 5 and 6 Learning Packs below. I have also included with them guidance if you are stuck and video tutorials for the Maths, which are excellent. You will be working on fractions in Maths and antonyms, synonyms and story writing in Literacy. Year Remember check the guidance document below and tutorial videos for help! 

Year 6-Guidance to help and Answers to check.

Wednesday 3rd June 


Have a look at the image in the Link below called ‘Lost.’ Try the story starter activities, question time and see if you and improve the sentences, what Alan Peat sentences could you use? 

Have a look at some of these maths activities from the Maths Shed.

Tuesday 2nd June 


Maths- Consecutive numbers 

Have look at the video below and the activity. 


Consecutive numbers activity


For one of the Bug Club books you have read or any other book you have read recently can you re-write the ending. Have a look at the PowerPoint below.

Story endings

Remember to complete your Big Investigation and Art super challenge. If you have completed them both have a look at the BBC Bitesize activities on fossil fuels and renewable energy below. 

Monday 1st June 

Good morning, I hope you have all had a good half term break and enjoyed the brilliant weather we are having. 


Today I will setting you an Art Challenge. Every 2 weeks all the classes will be taking part in an Art challenge, all you need to is complete a piece of Art and ask an adult to take a picture of you with the Art and email it back to me. I will be texting parents this week with my email address. We will then create a video of your Art work allowing others to see your excellent art work. 
This week the project will be called ‘Amazing Art Ninjas.’ You can choose any type of art you want. 

  • Painting.
  • Printmaking.
  • Sculpture.
  • Textiles.
  • Collage.
  • Digital media.
  • Animation.
  • Drawing. 

Try and be as creative as you can thinking about colour, pattern, shape and texture. I can’t wait to see all your amazing Art and create the video. Good luck! 

Today I have also included a Literacy and Numeracy session as usual. However, today’s Numeracy and Literacy sessions are from Tom at Cardiff City. I hope you enjoy! 

Numeracy- You’re the Groundsman

Friday 22nd May

Fun Friday 
See if you can beat your best score in Big Maths ‘Ultimate Challenge’ from your pack. Keep working on your Big investigation remember you will need parent supervision. Can you create new character from one of your Bug Club books? 

Thursday 21st May 

Listen to the audiobook version of Cyborg Cat and the Night Spider for free on Audible using the link below. 

Corbett Maths 5-a-day. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum – KS2 questions in increasing difficulty. Click the link below! 


Wednesday 20th May 

Keeping working on your Science Big Investigation safely. 

If you would like a different challenge whilst working on your investigation try this fun BOGGLE! Find as many words as you  can from the letters available, extra points given if you can spot the 9 letter word. Answers are on the last slide.

Tuesday 19th May 



KS2 are linking up with the Great Science Share

•This project is open to all KS2 and KS3 pupils in RCT

•Pupils are asked to carry out an aspect of Scientific Enquiry at home on a topic of their choice relating to Our Diverse World

•We would like you to record a short video (max 2 mins) outlining what you have done and what you have found out and upload it to our BIG Investigation Flipgrid. 

Videos need to be uploaded by June 11th in preparation for the Great Science Share day on June 16th. 

Please see all instructions below including internet safety and health and safety for your project. 


Developing and asking scientific questions.

How to work scientifically during the project

Instructions how to use Flipgrid

Health and Safety 

All investigations have to be carried out with adult supervision your adults will be responsible keeping you safe I will explain all this to them during weekly calls. The Great Science investigation offers a range of safe home investigations but it’s really important an adult supervises at all time. Always wash your hands, protect your eyes, nose, ears and face. 

Do not say your full name and address in your video and a parent or guardian needs to give permission in the video with a thumbs up. Please see pupil checklist above for before I make my Big investigation video. 


Good luck Noble Narwhals, remember I will be phoning weekly to help and answer any questions you have on this or anything else. 

Monday 18th May

Good morning Noble Narwhals I hope you have all had a good weekend. Cardiff City Football Club and Tom have been in touch and have some activities for you to do. From now on I will post these activities for you on a Monday. Please see below Literacy, Numeracy and P.E activities and resources for your sessions today from Cardiff City Football Club, have fun! 

Friday 15th May

Children should only be allowed to watch TV for one hour a day. Do you agree/disagree? Write a discussion for and against this statement. Remember to use balanced arguments and research to back up your points.



Keep working on the Maths division and multiplication work I posted yesterday. I can see the progress your making on Active Learn, well done! Keep it up!



Create a Covid-19 time capsule 

You are living through a defining time in our history so why not capture this for the future. You can create at time capsule out of waterproof household items or simply a box to store in the attic.
You should include:
Write a letter to yourself for the future – recounting what is happening / why etc.
Draw and label a picture of your family now.
Create a journal of your days in isolation.
Make a bucket list of the things you want to do when this is over.
Create a BORDOM LIST of what you have been or plan to do to keep yourself and your family busy while you stay safe at home.
Create a collage of the handprints of the people living in your house at the moment – in the middle write their names and how they are feeling about CoviD-19.
Anything you have created during this time – a piece of art, a story, the book you read etc.

Thursday 14th  May 



 Who are they? Write a Biography for one of your family members. Write a list of key questions so that you can find out about the following areas: Childhood, Education, Family; Jobs; greatest achievement.
You could call a grandparent and interview them over the phone and then surprise them with their own biography.

Maths- multiplication and division

Nature vs Nurture- Where do you get it from? – Have you ever questioned where you get your talents from? Why your eyes and hair are the colour they are? Have you ever wondered why you cannot do something like rolling your tongue, but your sibling can? What about juggling – who can and who cannot?
I want you to speak to your parent(s) / Grandparents about their appearance, their personality and their dreams for the future and their hidden talents. How much of this do they believe is determined by their genes? How much of this is determined by their family/upbringing? Ask them to decide which traits are due to nature and which traits are due to nurture e.g. hobbies and interests or sense of humour. Try this out on other family members.

Wednesday 13th May 


Bucket list - Make a list of the favourite things you love to do by yourself and tell me why. Then make a list of all the lovely things you love to do with your family and tell me why. Finally, make a bucket list of the things you would like to do with the family when our lives return to normal.



Keep practicing your ‘Learn It’s!’ Can you beat your best your score? Test yourself on one of the ‘Learn It’ sheets from your packs. Can you make one of your your own ‘Learn It’ practice cards like we have in school? 


Family Tree - Create a colourful and creative poster of your family tree and include: their full names; age and date of birth; a photo or drawing of each of the members (grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts etc); information boxes with 3 interesting details about each family member.


Tuesday 12th May 


Word detective – whilst completing your daily reading - note down any unfamiliar words from the pages that you have read. Explore the meanings of these words by using a dictionary. Write the word in your book and its meaning.

What if... Rewrite the opening or ending of the last book that you read – be as creative as you like... what changes can you make? What would happen next...?





Portraits and Photography- Inspire your selves and dig out the old photo albums with an adult – who is who? Who do you look more like? You could then take portrait photographs of your family members – try out different angles until you capture them at their best. Following this, you can then use the photographs taken or the ones you have been looking at to draw portraits in
pencil of your different family members – perhaps evening sending them to a relative you cannot see at the moment.

Monday 11th May 

Good morning hope you all had a good weekend and had a good day celebrating VE Day last Friday. Just a reminder keep reading the books from Book Club and completing the interactive Maths activities on Active Learn. Keep checking this page as I will be posting Literacy, Numeracy and Topic activities daily, keep trying and doing your best and have fun! 


Story task : design and draw a setting for a story genre of your choice (gothic, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, piratical). Think about any settings that they have encountered in stories before to inspire you. Then write a setting description as the opening to the story.



Here is a chance to play a version of the classic Countdown Game.

The challenge is to use the numbers available and the four standard operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to hit the target.

Each card can only be used once but it may not be necessary to use all the cards.


Family Tree - Create a colourful and creative poster of your family tree and include: their full names; age and date of birth; a photo or drawing of each of the members (grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts etc); information boxes with 3 interesting details about each family member.

Thursday 7th May

Tomorrow, Friday 8th Of May, many people will be having stay at home street parties and decorating themselves and their homes in red, white and blue to represent the Union Jack. 

Here are some activities and resources to help you to do the same if you'd like to participate. 

At 9am on 8th May, The Queen will address the nation and there will be a live stream on BBC – which is the exact same time that her father, King George VI, spoke to the UK 75 years ago, on the actual VE Day.





Make, Do and Mend - During WW2, there was a shortage of materials to make clothes. People were urged to "Make, do and mend". Do you have any clothes or accessories that you could ‘upcycle’ into new clothing or something completely different to give it another purpose and a new lease of life?


Design and make a Veteran’s medal using the ideas below.

Morse Code -

Morse code is a communication system that represents the alphabet and numbers with a series of dots, dashes or a combination of both. 

Can you write a secret coded message for your family to crack?

Wednesday 6th May 



Read and summarise a chapter – read a chapter from your Bug Club books or a book have borrowed from school or have at at home. Following this, summarise the events from the chapter either in writing or to someone at home – even the pet rabbit! You could bullet point what happened, create a comic strip or present the information in your own creative way.


In your work books show everything you know about how to calculate using written methods for all four operations with examples. E.g column methods, frog jumps and grid methods and any other methods you have learnt. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. They can be as creative as you want to them to be. Then create 10 questions that you and someone else can  complete – find out if you are the best!


Music from the Past – find out everyone’s birthdays in your family and the year that they were born. Use this information to then find out what song was Number 1 in the charts and what other popular songs were around at that time. Find out who your parents listened to when they were children, young adults and now. What were the most popular bands or singers during this time?
Challenge: Why not learn the lyrics and sing their favourite song or create a dance routine to their favourite music.

Tuesday 5th May 

Creative Writing Activities. Have a go at some of these creative writing activities. Have fun!

Mathoply Times Table Game. Can you make it all the way around the board?Extend your thinking and develop reasoning skills.

Monday 4th May 

I hope everyone has had a good restful weekend.
Today we are going to think about activities on kindness, there have been so many examples of people being kind and helpful to each other lately.

Make a list of 7 kind things you could do for someone else, it could be someone you live with e.g do the dishes, tidy your room, read with your brother or sister. Or it could be someone you don’t live with e.g a picture or poem for a grandparent, a nice text to a friend. Try and carry these out and put a smile on someone’s face. 

As I walked down the street this morning, I noticed that all of my neighbours' house numbers were odd!

I added three house numbers together as I walked past: 7 + 9 + 11 = 27
Further down the road, I passed some bigger numbers. I added another set of three neighbouring house numbers: 15+17+19 = 51

Can you find some other totals I could make, by adding together the house numbers of three (odd) next-door-neighbours?

Once you've found a few totals, here are some questions you might like to explore:

Is there anything special about all the totals?
Is there a quick way to work out the total?
Can you predict what would happen if I walked down the other side of the street instead (where all the houses have even numbers)?

Are there any patterns if I add together four house numbers instead of just three?
Or five house numbers?

Can you explain and justify the patterns you have noticed?

Friday 1st May

I know some of you enjoyed the 10 home Challenge. So I’m going to post 10 more today! 


▪ Plan out when you are going to complete each task

▪ Think about what resources you could use before you start a task

▪ Talk to your friends/family for advice/ideas.


Sketch something in your house/garden


Tell a joke to make people laugh



Help your parent with a job/chore



Design your own indoor sports game



Set up your own indoor bowling alley



Use the resources in your house to make a musical instrument 



Host a talent show with the people at home




Create your own science experiment using the things you have at home



Complete 50 star jumps in one day




Design your own paper aeroplane


Thursday 30th April 


Watch your favourite film and write a review for a film streaming service. Remember your trying to encourage others to watch it. Use some of the persuasive techniques we have been working on. 


Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the ark.
How many creatures could he have seen?

How many different answers can you find?
Can you explain how you found out these answers?

Maths Problem


Wednesday 29th April

I have sent you lots of daily Literacy, Numeracy and Topic activities over the last couple weeks to be getting on with.  So today I decided to set you 10 challenges. How many can you complete? Good luck! 

Read a book in the most unusual place you can think of ( safe place in your house). 


Write your own rap/song



Build the highest tower you can out of household items



Create an obstacle course in your garden



Build a den that can fit at least two people in



Dress somebody up in the craziest outfit you can think of



Create a video message which can be shared with family/friends/teachers



Have an indoor treasure hunt



Learn or choreograph a dance routine



Make an indoor restaurant and serve your family


Tuesday 28th April 


Keep reading the books I’m posting on Bug Club. Write a book review for your favourite book or a book you have recently read. 


Estimate the area and perimeter of the rooms your home. How will you know if your right? Design your own rooms including its area and perimeter.




Design a healthy living poster on how to stay fit and healthy. What foods will you include? What exercise? 

Monday 27th April 

Morning hope you have all had a good weekend and enjoyed the weather and are ready for some, more fun learning activities.


Write a newspaper article about what is happening in the local area or globally.  How are people helping one another?  Alternatively, record a news broadcast from a child’s perspective.  
If you choose a newspaper report remember to include a catchy headline, the 4Ws in your introduction (who, when, where, what), main body explaining the story include a picture with a caption and quotes. Conclusion bringing the reader up to date. 



Create a video message which can be shared with family/friends/teachers. 

Friday 24th April


Write a story for a younger child/friend/relative, that needs entertaining while in isolation. 
Remember to include an opening, middle and end. You can choose if you would like to write in first or third person. Don’t forget to write in paragraphs, use Alan Peat sentences and lots description. Good luck! 



Go on a shape hunt around the house.  How many different  2D and 3D shapes can you find? What are they good for?  Stacking/rolling/joining etc.  


Create a leaflet/poster/video for a younger friend/sibling/relative with activities to keep them entertained during school closures.  Then do some of these activities!

Thursday 23rd April 


Science: Evolution 

Can you be creative and create a new breed of dog. Draw, explain and provide information about the new breed. Be scientific as well as being creative.


Make your own lunch
Create a super sandwich or healthy snack. Discuss with an adult which foods and equipment you are permitted to use.
Write a set of instructions for a recipe for your healthy snack. Consider every step of the method carefully and consider your reader; what information will they need to know.
Look at recipe books and online recipes for the layout. You will need to include: A list of ingredients
A list of equipment
Number step by step instructions
A drawing or labelled diagram of the finished product
Once this is written, create a persuasive paragraph to describe the benefits of the snack/recipe and why people want to make it.



Wednesday 22nd April 

Favourite hobby
Think about your favourite hobby.
• Why do you like it? Write a list of positive benefits to carrying out your hobby.
• How and when do you do this hobby?
• How can you persuade other people to do this hobby too?



On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs.


The great planetary explorer Nico, who first discovered the planet, saw a crowd of Zios and Zepts. He managed to see that there was more than one of each kind of creature before they saw him. Suddenly they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air.

He counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?
Do you think there are any different answers?


Safer Internet Poster!

Create a poster about being safe on the internet. The poster needs to include all the dangers faced when sharing personal information online. Make sure you’re creative with the way you present your learning! We will then share your amazing posters with the rest of the class.

Tuesday 21st April 

Design your own floating island. Consider:
• What size and shape will it be?
• What vegetation is on the surface?
• What will provide you with shelter?
• What are the roots of your island like?
• What is the weather like above you?
Draw a diagram of your island and add detailed, descriptive labels to explain the features.

Dear diary
Write a diary entry for a day on your floating island. Remember to include both
description and your point of view/feelings. Use all the writing features you have learnt.
Did something strange happen?
Where did you travel to? How did you feel?



Using any of the maths functions add, subtract, multiple or divide how many ways can you make?

1. 10

2. 50

3. 101

Monday 20th April 

I hope you have all had a good Easter break. Above are some letter ideas for you, remember to keep reading and going on active learn for maths activities. I will also be posting other activities you can complete in your work books on here. 

Monday 20th April 

Try 5 Maths questions a day, there is a bronze, silver and gold challenge. Answers are provided to check if you were correct.



I know how much you all like chocolate.

Design your own chocolate wrapper. Think about what resources you will use, so your chocolate remains fresh inside your package. What would you name your chocolate? What colours will you use? How big will your wrapper be?



Wednesday 25th March 

Take a look at this timetable, celebrities offering help. 

9.00am - PE with Joe Wicks
10.00am - Maths with Carol Vorderman
11.00am - English with David Walliams
12.00pm - Lunch (cooking with Jamie Oliver)
1.00pm - Music with Myleene Klass
1.30pm - Dance with Darcey Bussel
2.00pm - History with Dan Snow (free for 30-days)
4.00pm - Home Economics with Theo Michaels (Mon/Wed/Fri)

Non-daily events include:
Science with Professor Brian Cox, Robin Ince & Guests
9.30am Wednesday 25 March - Geography with Steve Backshall


Monday 23rd March 

In your workbooks can you write an acrostic poem using our area TONYREFAIL. Remember Acrostic poems are poems where the first letters of each line spell a word which is related to the poem's topic.


For P.E check out, P.E with Joe the bodycoach

Friday 20th March

These problem solving activities and games have interactive content.  Have a play on a laptop, tablet or computer!



Monday 16th March 2020


Lots of maths activities and new books with reading activities have been added to the Active Learn account for all children to access and in particular for children in self isolation. Further activities will be added throughout the week. Please check on the class page.


Welcome to The Noble Narwhals Class Page (Year 5 and 6)

Mr. Davies is the teacher in The Noble Narwhals Class


Spring Term 2020

Our new topic this term is called, ‘Love Where We Live’. During this topic we will be learning about our local area and finding out information about Tonyrefail. We will also be comparing and contrasting Tonyrefail with the capital city Cardiff and looking at aspects of Africa. At the heart of the topic will be the children and their ideas. They have already started to gather ideas about what they would like to learn by creating mind maps on the topic.

Thursday 13th February 2020

This week the Noble Narwhals have been working very hard on comic strips in literacy lessons, grams, kilograms and imperial measurements in maths lessons and during topic lessons investigating welsh artists as part of their Tref-Tasks. The children created some brilliant comic strips based on the class novel they are reading The Butterfly Lion. 


Thursday 5th March

The Noble Narwhals have been learning all about the Penrhys Pilgrimage. A local historian Claire Boot came in to teach them all about the path from the spectacular Cathedral in Llandaff to the Holy Well and Hallowed Shrine of our Lady at Penrhys. Claire told the children about the story of the Statue of Mary in Penrhys and the children joined in and took part in role play and wrote about special places in Tonyrefai. Further more Vicar Ruth and Mr Hill (who is the Music Director in Llandaff school) came in to teach the children Pilgrimages songs.

