
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Excellent Eagles (Reception & Year 1)

Friday 17th July 

We have reached the end of term and what a strange time it has been for us all. We haven’t seen many of you since March and  you have probably done lots of growing.  We hope you have made and will continue to make many happy memories with your families. 
We hope you have a safe and happy summer holidays. Here are some activities you may like to try . 
Keep safe from Mrs Stephens and Mrs Hansen-Spure 😊

Welcome to the Excellent Eagles πŸ¦… class for Reception and Year 1 children.
Each week we will be adding activities for you to do. βœοΈπŸ‘«πŸ“š
Remember  to read your reading books as much as you can . πŸ“šπŸ“–
We will check how you are doing and change books when you need more . 

Let’s do this 

Keep safe 


Mrs Stephens & Mrs Hansen-Spure




Please log into hwb with your child’s username and password and then through office 365 go onto The teams app and open up to see activities to do at home. It’s under year 1 Tref y rhyg

Week 13/7/20

Hope you have all had a busy week and we have seen lots of your cooking photos for the whole school challenge. This is the last week before the summer holidays. 


This week you are going to be looking at an nrich activity. Can you play it with your grown ups?

How do you play?
You will need an adult to play and cards with the numbers 1 to 12 on them. 

The aim of the game is to turn over all the cards. You can turn over the cards that match the numbers on the dice.

To play the game, start with the numbers showing on all the cards. The adult rolls the two dice first. They can turn over the cards which are the same as the numbers rolled. For example, if a 4 and a 5 are rolled, they would turn over the 4 and 5 cards. If a double is thrown, their turn ends. They can roll the dice again until they can't turn over any more cards. The cards that are left showing are then added and that is their score.

You then take the dice and turn the cards the right way up again, and then roll the dice in the same way as the adult. You can keep on rolling dice as long as each time you can turn over some new cards. Remember that if a double is thrown, your turn ends. When you can't turn over any more cards, those that are left are added together and that is your score.

The winner is the person with the lower score. It can be played with just one turn each or each player can have a number of turns that you decide at the beginning of the game.

Can you explain your strategy?
What is good about the game? What is not so good? Why?
How could you alter the rules to make it better?


Notes for adults
This game can give children the opportunity to use their number knowledge. Altering the rules will give the children opportunities to explore ideas about what makes a "good" game and to develop winning strategies to play their games.

Easier version: try starting with just the numbers 1 to 6.
Harder version: try inventing new rules, or adding, subtracting or multiplying the scores on the two dice together to find the number to turn over. You could also change the rule which ends the turn when a double is thrown. 



Reception- Dice game

Reception Dice game if unable to click on the link

Remember to use all your maths skills whenever you can - count, measure, weigh, use money. There are so many ways you can continue your learning. Go over all the work we have put on this page and keep on trying your very best.   

Language - 

The Singing Mermaid


The remaining sounds for phase 3 are -

oo - as in look, book, shook, hook, foot, cook.

oo - as in boot, loot, zoo, zoom, moon, cool.


or- fork, cord, sort, born, fort.

ur- fur, burn, burp, curl, surf.

ow- owl, cow, how, bow, row.

oi- boil, coin, join, soil,tinfoil.

ear- dear, fear, near, rear.

air- fair, hair, pair.

ure- sure, lure, pure, cure, manure.

er- letter, ladder,dinner, better.


Play the games using the website below and continue to learn to form the letters correctly and blend the sounds. 


This week you are going to be looking at an ELSA activity. 


The Bee game – What’s behind you is a game for young children to play. They will begin to recognise emotions in a fun way.

Hide the bee behind one of the hives. The child has to pick an emotion, say what it is and they can then look behind the hive to see if they can find the bee. Repeat until the bee has been found.

Extension activity

  • Make the emotion with their faces
  • Say when they felt that way
  • Talk about body signs when feeling that emotion
  • Talk about thoughts they might have with that emotion
  • Talk in the tone of voice you would use with that emotion.

link to turn activity to print it off

ELSA activity

Week 6/7/20

Hope you have all had a busy week and the children who have been in school have enjoyed returning and being involved with the check in, catch up and prepare learning that has been going on in school. 

Two week whole school challenge -

πŸŽ‚Tref-y-Rhyg Great British Bake Off πŸŽ‚ 


Over the next two weeks please can you send us a photo of you baking with your grown ups!  You could be decorating biscuits, making cupcakes or even a big cake!

We look forward to seeing all your photos.

Please send to our email addresses.

Thank you                 


This week we are going to be learning about 

Counting and comparing numbers

Linking numerals and amounts through the Nrich programme.

You will need some beans/pegs or counter and number cards to 10. (Reception) and up to 20 (year 1) On piece of paper write numbers from 0 to 10 one number of each piece of paper. (Reception) 0 to 20 (year 1). 
Estimate first how many beans do they have? How many beans/ pegs or counters do you have at the start. How do you know? What did you do to count the amount? 
What can you tell me about the beans/ pegs? Are they all

the same or different? 
Can you give the correct amount of beans/ pegs to the numbers? Ask your grown up to shout out a number and can you find the correct number to match the number shouted out?
Put the numbers from 0 to 10 (reception)  and 0 to 20+ (year 1) into the correct order making sure the numbers are formed correctly. 
Look at the pictures to see more detail about the activity.

Count to 20 and Workout | Fun Counting Song for Kids | Count by 1's to 20 | Jack Hartmann

Can you join in with the counting exercise?
Jack Hartmann's Count to 20 and Workout will have you counting to 20 as you engage your body and brain and workout as you count. Do a new set of exercises fo...

Language - 

This week’s story is -

‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson



Phonics - 

This weeks sounds are - 

ai,  ee,  igh,  oa and ar .


Please blend the letters to make the sounds and read words with the sounds in . 
snail, tail, rail, 

tree, bee, feel, 

high, light, night, 

boat, coat, soap,

cart, card, park

Tricky words - 

he, she, we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are , my . 

Phase 2 - please continue working through phase 2 sounds if you need to. Below is the link to games that can help.


Feeling Safe

Oxford owl have published a free online book to read at home - coping with Coronavirus story book for children-

please share with your children. 

Turtle activity 
This week we are going to be talking about our safe place. Look at the turtle sheet, in your blue books can you draw a picture of a turtle. If you were a turtle what would make you want to go and hide in your shell and go to your safe space? How would you feel if you were in your shell all the time? What would make you a happy turtle? 

Cardiff City Activity ⚽️ 3rd July

Week 29th June 

Hope you have all had a busy week last week and are looking forward to some of you joining us back in school this week.
Please log into your hwb accounts and then onto teams to see the activities that are on offer for you to do at home. We will then respond to these activities and give you feedback. 

Reading books 

Remember to read your school book on Bug Club every week and do the challenges at the back of the book πŸ“–

Our Reading scheme "BUG CLUB" Home Reading books login website




This week we are focussing on number work.

Year 1

We are going to be looking at counting to 100 , start from zero to 100 and then can you start from a different staring point and count on...

Can you create your own 100 number square? What numbers are missing? 


Number bonds to 10 using numicon.


Can you find the missing numbers to make 10 using the numicon blocks? 




Count from 0 to 20 forwards and can you try backwards? counting to 20. 

Can you practise writing your numbers on the worksheet? 1-10. Open up the document and form the numbers on the line.

Start at 0 and sitting on the line try and correctly form your numbers to 10. 


Number bonds to 5



Each domino needs a total of 5 dots, can you put the correct amount of dots on each domino piece to make 5? 

If we needed 7 dots on each domino how many more would we need? 




Maths year 1 missing numbers - can you fill in the missing numbers?

Language - this week's book

You can listen to the story here -


Please continue learning phase 2 and 3 sounds and blending words  

This weeks sounds are - 

ch, sh, th and ng (ending) 

Please use the games online to help you .


 This week we are going to be working in a bubble. A bubble is a safe place where we learn and share with our family. Can you draw a picture of someone who is currently in your bubble at home? Not all our family members and friends are in your bubble

yet but if they were who would you have? Can you draw them in a bubble and name them? 


Have you got any bubble mixture or can you make some of your own ?

How many bubbles can you blow ?


Have a great week, work hard , have fun and stay safe 🌈

Week 21/6/20 

Hello we hope you have all had a busy week and have been learning at home ? Don’t forget you have this week to sort out your Tref y rhyg flower show challenge and send it to our email address to make a whole school video. πŸ“Ή


This week's learning -
Maths -

Year 1-Looking at numbers this week up to 100. Can you count up to 100 with your grown up? Start at zero and count up to 100. Join in the YouTube video and get everyone jumping, stretching and joining in counting to 100! πŸ†

Yr1 - Oak national academy- To recognise, read and write numbers to 100. 

In the video lesson you will be counting in tens and then carrying on in ones to find a total amount.

Can you answer the questions in your blue book ? 


Can you answer the quiz questions?

Activity 2- 

Yr1- Oak national academy- To compare numbers within 100 on a number line. In the video lesson you will be counting and comparing numbers within 100 using a number line. You will be using the vocabulary, greater and less to decide which number has the greatest or lesser value.


Reception maths- learning about sharing equally between 2. 
Can you join in counting to 10. Start at zero and count up to 10.


The Cookie Monster wanted some cookies

but there was only 2 πŸͺπŸͺ left in the shop, what is Elmo going to do? Should he give the Cookie Monster all the πŸͺ or should he share them both having a cookie each? What would you do? 

Oak National Academy - 

Understanding the concept of equal groups.

In this lesson, we will read a story and recap finding one less than a given number from the previous lessons. After that, we will show you how to share equally between two groups. You can practise sharing equally between two at home - for example, you could share out your counting objects, divide cards to play snap or share a set of dominoes between two people. You could share a healthy snack like Zara or have a go at sharing your toys between two people in your home.

Games you can play to share between 2

Fruit and vegetable tea party sharing between 2
With a grown up make a sandwich with 2 pieces of bread and add your favourite filling. How are you going to share it between 2 making sure you both get an equal share? 
You have one cupcake left from the pack, you have to share it equally with your friend for the party what are you going to do? 
You have one banana which two of you both want to eat for your picnic,  how can you share it equally between 2? 

Language -

We have looked at many books by Julia Donaldson over the weeks.  Can you choose your favourite book and write your reasons -

Why you liked it ?

What was your favourite part ?.

Who is your favourite character ?

Would you change anything about the story ?

Draw a picture to go with each of your answers.


This week's sounds -

Phase 3 - y, z, zz and qu.

Please teach/revise a sound a day.

Blend and write the words using the new sounds.

Write sentences using the new words if you can.


Some phase 3 games for you to try, the children will recognise some of these from school.

Phase 2 -


If you are still learning phase 2 sounds please continue recapping over the sounds as given over the previous weeks. 

One sound a day and blending words as given previously. All sounds are shown on this page in previous weeks.

Try different ways to help your child learn the sounds and blend the words , make flash cards, snap cards,  write in sand , foam. Use magnetic letters, write sounds on small stones, pebbles .  Have fun 😊


Some great games to try, the children will recognise some of these from school.


This week you are going to need your hwb passwords. Can you log into hwb using the link below?
once you have logged in look at the package just2easy.

Just2easy games

Click onto JiT and then onto the picture template which shows what you have been doing outside.  Once you have chosen your picture can you type the simple sentence and fill in the missing word with what you have been doing- I have been ........ with my family.
I have had a ...... time. 

If you can’t use the computer. 
In your blue book, draw a picture of what you have been doing with your family. Then write the same sentences filling in the missing words. 

Reading books 

Remember to read your school book on Bug Club every week and do the challenges at the back of the book πŸ“–

Our Reading scheme "BUG CLUB" Home Reading books login website


Win a Cardiff city T-shirt 
Cardiff City review of the sports activities that have been on offer this week. Can you fill out the form for a chance to win a signed cardiff city T-shirt.

Week 15/6/20

Hello, we hope you have had a busy week at home and have been learning and completing the activities in your blue books. πŸ“˜We have had a few photos in of your fantastic art work that you have been creating. We are busy putting them all together into a video for you all to see. Well done to everyone that took part.🀩

For the next two weeks the whole school challenge is -


The Tref-y-Rhyg 🌼Flower Show🌺

We would like  to see if any of you have or will be planting seeds/plants in your garden or in your home. It can be vegetables or flowers. If you haven’t planted anything new take a photograph of you by some flowers or vegetables already growing in your garden or by some when you are out on a walk . You could also take a photograph of you having fun in your garden, playing in the sand , your pool and playing with your toys .
You have two weeks to send your photos back to our email addresses we sent you by text.
We look forward to seeing what you have been growing or doing .

Cardiff City Football Club learning activities 



Cardiff City football club have prepared many activities for you to try. They have set out the activities into days with a Sports day experience planned for the end of the week.

Please have a go, you can choose between the 2 sets of activities, choosing ones that your child is comfortable doing. 

We hope you enjoy. 


Year 1-Continuing with Measure this week but, this week we are going to be using standard unit of measure. Look at objects that are taller than one metre. Can you watch the video and join in with the activity?


you tube measuring an object using a ruler.


This week we need you to get out your toys and a ruler/measuring tape to help you measure. Create a table like the one below in your blue book. You can use your own toys. Write what you are measuring in one column in the table and with your ruler can you measure in cm how long your object is and put the answer in the next column. Remember we always start at the 0 just like in the video. 

Object How many cm 

Which object was the longest? How many cm long was it?

which object was the shortest? How many cm long was it.

Were any of the objects the same length? 
Reception- can you measure your toys using pegs, pencils, pens, sticks? Ask your grown up if they can create a table for you. 

Object How many 

Ask your child the question - Which toy was the longest? How many cubes, pencil, pens etc long was it?
which was the shortest? How many cubes, pencil, pens etc long was it? 


Year 1- This week can you read, order, write and put the set of instruction into the correct order? The sentences are mixed up. Can you sort them into the right order showing how we plant a seed and what happens to the seed when we end up with a flower. 

  • First we have a seed, soil and a flower pot.
  • Finally we have a flower. 
  • Next we put the seed into the soil.
  • After that the seed grows a shoot above the soil.
  • Then we water the seed.
  • In the end we put the flower in the garden. 


Cut out the picture and put them into the correct order. Can you write the words one, two, three, four, five, six to show which order they need to go in? 
Can you talk about what you can see in the pictures?

What is going to happen next?

Would you like to grow a flower? 
We hope you can help and  look forward you seeing your work when we return to school in your blue books. 

Reading books 

Remember to read your school book on Bug Club every week and do the challenges at the back of the book πŸ“–

Our Reading scheme "BUG CLUB" Home Reading books login website



Creating pictures of ourselves using natural material. 
This week we want you to go out into your garden and find some grass, weeds, twigs, stones, pebbles.
Using these objects we want you firstly to draw a picture of your face on a piece of paper. 

Next using the objects you have found can you place them onto your face drawing. Use the peddles for your eyes, grass or weeds for your hair etc, a stone for your nose. Don’t forget to take a photo of your Picture! 

Watch the video from oak national academy to see how they are learning about an artist called Jane Perkins who uses recycled materials to make portraits.

Week 8/6/20

Hope you have all had a busy week learning at home. We set you an art challenge last week so don’t forgot to get creating your Art work and then emailing it to us by the end of this week. We can’t wait to see them. 

This fortnight's challenge is -

Amazing Art Ninjas.πŸ“

A lovely idea for your art work πŸ’–πŸŒŸ


This week we will continue learning about the mass of an object. 

Finding the mass of an object using non standard measures and a scale. Can you follow and join in with the video.


Remember the Mass of an object is the weight of it. We can use a measuring scale to see how heavy/ light an object is. Last week you could have used a measuring scale to find the correct weight when baking cookies. 
Activity one ) This week you are going to be using your hands to compare how heavy/ light and object is in your home. The first activity sheet below is for you to find objects in your home that you can weigh. On the sheet or in your blue books write a list of what your are weighing. Then pick two of the objects and using your hands, put one object in one hand and the other in the other hand. Which object is the heaviest and which object is the lightest? Write your answers on the sheet or create a table in your book just like the worksheet. 

Weighing objects in your house using your hands

Activity 2) Using the words heaviest/ lightest or the same, can you look at the fruit and vegetables on the sheet. Which fruit is the heaviest on the scale? ( the fruit which is touching the table)
Which fruit is the lightest? ( the fruit which is in the air on the scale)

Which fruit is the same? ( both sides of the scale are the same height) 

Comparing the weight of the fruit and vegetables.

Activity 3) Can you find these objects around your home? Which object would be the heaviest? Could it be the chair πŸͺ‘ or is it the glue stick ? Look at the pictures, cut them out or draw them into your book. Label the picture from 1 to 10 with 1 being the lightest and 10 being the heaviest. Ask a grown up to help you. 

Cut out the objects and order the pictures from heavy to light

Adding to 10 

This will be helpful to learn number bonds to ten . Draw and cut around your hands and use them to help you. 

Adding and taking away 

Add and take away numbers up to 5, then 10 then 20 . Go higher if you child is happy to do so . 
only move on with higher numbers once your children is confident . 

Tens and Units

if your child is able to add up to 20 , help them to recognise what the 1 represents . 
For example 13 = 1 ten and 3 units . 
children could partition the numbers on paper or practically using blocks , etc 

Language πŸ“šπŸ“–

This week’s story 

This week’s sounds 

Continue to learn phase 2 sounds if needed. From last weeks sound check you should be able to see what you need to go over with your child . 
We will move onto phase 3 sounds this week. 
Sounds are - J,  V, W and X


Tricky words are I, no, go, the , to.

The words and questions and made from phase 2 sounds and this week’s sounds, 


Reading books 

Remember to read your school book on Bug πŸ› Club every week and do the challenges at the back of the book πŸ“–.


This week we will continue to learn and minibeast. πŸ•· πŸ› 🐜 
Picture 1)- Look at the picture, what can you see in the first picture? Make a list in your blue books of what minibeasts are hiding in the garden. 
Picture 2) Look at the picture, can you write a list of instructions using positional language ( up, down , across, in front of, behind) to explain where the bug are in the picture. 
Picture 3) Use super sentences to talk about the wildlife in the picture. Are any of the animals the same or different to the wildlife found where you live?

Minibeast pictures for the activities.

Have a great week everybody, 

Keep safe,

🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

The Smile Mile- Tuesday 2nd June

Can you decorate a pebble/rock to cheer the people of Tonyrefail up ?

This starts from today and they are being placed around the perimeter of Tyn-y-bryn Park to start . How far will it travel ?

Remember you could use this for your Ninja Art Challenge too.😊🌈



Some ideas πŸ’‘ πŸŒŸπŸ›πŸ•·πŸŒˆ

Week 1/6/20

Hello we hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine and staying safe. This week we have lots of activities for you to learn at home with your grown-ups.



Every two weeks we will be setting you a whole class challenge. All the children in the school will be doing it and you have to send us picture of what you have created and made. We will be texting our school email addresses this week so you can then once you have finished the challenge send us your picture and we will create a video of them and put it on our website. 

This fortnight's challenge is -

Amazing Art Ninjas.πŸ“

Can you create a drawing, paint a pebble or use some of the topic work to create a textured drawing ?

It can be of nature, what you can see out the garden or anything you can think of.  Your pebble could be used to put in your garden or you could give to your friend when we see each other .

Take a picture of you with your drawing/ pebble once it is finished and send it to us on the email address we have text to your grownups phone. Once we have everyone’s we will then create a video and you can see then all your friends and what they have been creating. 

We are so looking forward to seeing all your fantastic work x 



The mass of an object year 1- join in with the quiz too see if you can remember something about heavy and light from our class work.-

This week we will be learning about a mass of an object and capacity. The mass of an object is how heavy  or light an object is using a measuring scale. Ask your grown up have they got a weighing scales and when would they use it? Can you follow the simple recipe and make something with your family for a garden picnic. Ingredients to make cookies

How to make the cookies πŸͺ 

1) Mix the melted butter and sugar together in a bowl

2) Add the salt, flour, baking powder and vanilla to the sugar and butter.

3) Mix everything together to make a dough

4) Using a rolling pin roll out the mixture. 
5) Get a cup and cut the mixture with the top of the cup to make your circle biscuits. 
6) Put the biscuits onto an oven tray

7) With an adult put the biscuits into the oven and cook for 10 to 20 minutes on gas mark 3.

8) When they are cooked ask your adult to take them out and let them


9) Put the cool biscuits on a plate and share with your family and don’t forget to take a picture! 

Biscuit Problem Solving

You could also make some plain biscuits to use for the problem solving or decorate packet biscuits such as Rich Tea or Digestives

The capacity is how we measure an amount of liquid. We can use bowls, cups, spoons, bottles and measuring jugs. Have you got a beach bucket and spade? If so go and find it as you will need this today. Fill your bucket with cold water. If you fill it to the top it is called full, if your don’t put any into it then it is empty, what if you put some into it that fills it to the middle of the bucket what is it called?

Your challenge. 
Can you create a tally chart table to record your results?

How many spoons of water did it take to fill your bucket?

How many jugs of water did it take to fill you bucket? 
How many bottles does it take to fill your bucket? 
Finally how many bowls of water did it take to fill your bucket? 

Now record your findings in your table. 

Object you used to fill the bucket  Amount 

Which object did you use that need the largest amount to fill the bucket? 
Which object didn’t take many times to fill the bucket? 

Instead of using a bucket can you use something else to fill with water ? Try the experiment again And create a new table to show your results in your blue book.

Year 1 children could have a go at measuring  using litres and millilitres. Remember there are 1000 millilitres in a litre so may be start by looking at bottles, containers that hold 1 litre, 500 millilitres.  


This week can you go over all of phase 2 sounds.  Grown-ups can you check which sounds your children knows.

Year 1 children can you do some spelling tests checking what words you can write using the sets of sounds we have given you in previous weeks. Let us know how far you have gone.

Reception children can have a go at blending words if they are ready.

When we make phone calls we will check we will check where you have got to.

Once we know where everyone is we can move on to phase 3 sounds next week.


This week's book is 'The Highway Rat' by Julia Donaldson , please can you listen to the story and have a go at the activities listed. Grown-ups please adapt these to your child's ability.

You can watch and listen to the story on BBC iplayer or you may have the book at home.



Textured treasure hunt. 
This week we are going to be learning about an artist Max Ernst. He creates a technique called frottage.
Frottage is a form of pencil rubbing. You pick a leaf from the garden or a piece of wood etc . You place a piece of paper over the top of the object and then with you pencil lightly rub over the leaf or wood and you will see a picture being formed of the detailed marks that are in the object.
Get your pencil and paper ready and follow the video to create your own drawing

You could use some of this technique for your fortnight challenge.


Have a lovely week and keep busy and safe with your families. We will be speaking to you this week and hearing what you have been learning at home. 

Week 25/5/20

 This week should be Whitsun half term school holiday we hope you have a busy week at home enjoying the sunshine in your garden and enjoy exploring the area around your home. We know lots of you have been walking up the mountain and fields with your families. If you haven’t finished your class activities from the last few weeks please have a go in your blue book if you want to.

Have fun , 
We can’t wait to see you all soon.

Week 18/5/20

Hello everyone we hope you have had a good week and completed last week's activities ?
We are missing you all and hope you are keeping safe. 😊

Luckily we have had lots of lovely dry days to enjoy the outdoors in our surrounding area.




This week's activities are - 

Mathematical development 
Can you get 10 washing pegs from the garden or toys you like to play with or even ten colouring pencils? Get them ready to join in with the video. 

Sorting and comparing groups of objects up to 10 video from the oak learning academy -

Can you sort up to 20 ?


Exploring place value up to 20 using objects -  can you join In the video


Units of measure- can you measure length and heights around the house using pegs, coins or pencils. Join in the video and follow along -

Can you use a measuring tape or ruler ?


literacy activities

Please go over all the sounds we have given so far and check if you recognise each sound and can form the letters correctly .

See if you can sound out or write the words and captions . 

This weeks story book is The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.  You can listen to the story on bbc iplayer or youtube, or you may have the book at home.

Topic -

Where do animals live?
Can you go exploring your garden and surrounding areas on your walk and look out for nests in the trees, holes in the ground- what could be living there? Remember to not touch or disturb any of the animals homes.
What baby animals can you see ?
Follow the link and join in the oak academy video to help you learn -


Can you find out about the life-cycle of a frog ? Have you found any frogspawn in your area ?

Draw a picture showing the life-cycle of a frog.


Have a safe and happy week , we will catch up with you during the week . 
Don’t forget to read your reading book πŸ“– and keep learning . 😊🌈


We hope you all had a lovely week learning about, preparing and making things for VE Day last Friday. Lots of children and grown ups had special parties in their gardens and enjoyed dancing and listening to Music from WW2. We can’t wait to hear all about it when we ring you this week. 
Spring is here and lots of things are growing in your garden, the birds are busy making their nests and singing in the trees, this week we want you to become explorers.

Ask your grown up for a kitchen roll, cut it in half and stick it together with tape or make a 2 cardboard roll stuck together with tape to create your binoculars. 
Write a list of what you can see, you could also draw some pictures to go with your words.


With your grown ups  can you listen and join in with the story called ‘A home for Ladybird’ it is attached below. Talk about the characters, what does the ladybug look like? Where does she live or want to live? In your blue books can you draw a detailed picture of your favourite part of the story and answer the questions:- 

Who did the ladybug meet throughout the story? 
Why was she sad? 
Who helped her in the story? 
Where did she choose as her home in the end? 
Don’t forget to write on the line with Capital letters to start, finger spaces between words and a full stop to end your sentence.

Reception  children can you discuss the questions with your grown-ups and draw your favourite part , describing why.


A home for ladybird story

Sounds of the week and Tricky words

We hope your all learning your tricky words and Letter sounds. 

Sounds of the week :- ff  ss ll. j v.

Can you find things around the garden or in your house which have these sounds? 
Practise writing the sounds in your blue book forming the letters correctly and can you fill in the missing letters to make the word? 

  •  .an
  • .am
  • bo..
  • ba..
  • pu..

Try to read and spell  these words this week recapping the tricky words you have been learning. 



Counting objects to 20.

Join in with the Oak national academy and learn to count up to 20 with objects.

can you find 20 toys around your house? Join in with and follow  the teacher in the video and she will help you count to 20 and count your toys to make sure you have the right amount.


Ordering numbers to 20.

Join in with the teacher in the video to help you order numbers up to 20. 

 In your blue book try to write numbers from 0 to 20 with all your numbers correctly formed. Check with your grown up that they are all written on the line and you have ordered them correctly. 
Number formation rhymes to help you form your numbers :-

Number formation rhymes

Can you half even numbers up to 10 ?


Number formation worksheets to practise writing your numbers correctly

Maths worksheets for home learning


Go exploring your garden with your family. Have a look at the RSPCB pictures of things you could see out your garden hidden under stones, hiding in trees, flying in the sky and growing on the ground. 
Can you find the animals, insects and flowers in your garden? 
In your blue book draw a picture of the flowers, minibeast, birds etc you have found and write the sentences filling in the missing words  

This is a ................

It has .......... legs 

It has ....... petals
It is ........ in colour 
I found it in the .........

Using paper plates create your own ladybird like in the pictures. 

Minibeast hunt picture cards

Create a paper plate minibeast

Finally, can you complete any of these fun challenges at home?

Hope you have a busy week learning and exploring at home. Don’t forget to do your work in your blue books we sent home as we can share all what you have been learning with our friends when we go back to school. 


Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š we hope you are all keeping well and are having a go at the weekly activities set for you. Remember to continue using  the home pack that was sent to your homes to help you write your letters and numbers correctly following the formation starting point. 

Use Active learn as much as you can, we can see what books you have read and will add new books when needed. Remember you can look back at all your books in your own library. Do the activities at the back of the book.πŸ“šπŸ“–

We hope you are also doing activities of your own choice as well and maybe when we go back to school you can tell us all about your time staying safe at home.

On Friday it is VE day which is a very special day to remember, ask your grown-ups to explain to you what it is all about. We have a few activities that you could do to celebrate this special day.

Keep safe everyone .🌈




Literacy activities

This weeks sounds are - b, f,  l, find objects that begin with the sound. practise the formation of the letters, blend words using all the sounds you have been learning each week.

Make some flashcards of the words you can build. 

Can you write both the lower-case letters and the capital letters ? ( reception only capital for their own name)



Rhymes to help us form our letters

Don’t forget to practise your tricky words and have a spelling test on Friday with your grown ups. 


Maths activities

Continue with number formation using your homepack for correct starting place.

Reception counting to 10 Using objects -

Can you recognise odd and even numbers ?  Maybe when you go on your daily walk 🚢🏻you could write down the numbers that you see and sort them into odd and even when you are home.

Can you write out some number sentences using numbers up to 5, 10, 20 , higher if you can using +, -,  and = signs.

Can you do this using your toys aswell , cars, dolls, lego etc.

Can you measure how tall you are ?  You can use a measuring tape,  lego blocks, spoons  shoes or anything else as long as you keep the measuring tool the same.

Yr1- Measuring using nonstandard measure -

Continue learning about money, recognising coins , adding coins up start with using 1p and then build up, give change. Remember to make this fun by playing shop.    


As we have VE day on Friday can you plan a little celebration for your family.


Maybe make some sandwiches πŸ₯ͺ you could tell someone how to make them giving them instructions and then you could write the instructions using ordering words such as first, next, then. remember to start a new line for each new instruction.

Listen to the story “Sams Sandwiches”  -

When you cut the sandwiches you could cut them in halves or quarters, squares or triangles. Discuss what you have done.


Bake some cakes 🧁  weigh out the ingredients , discuss what is heavier and lighter. write about how you made the cakes. Discuss the changes in the ingredients once mixed together and cooked. Have fun decorating them. 


Write out a VE Day menu and decorate it. What else can you add to your menu ? 


Can you create some bunting or flags to put in your window - you can cut them into triangles, rectangles or squares, 

decorate them with the welsh dragon, the union Jack or something of your choice.

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Can you learn a song from world war 2 - 'We'll meet again' , 'Run rabbit run' are popular ones.


Street party from long ago

Find out some facts about World War 2 - write about them and  draw a picture

Write about how you celebrated VE day.


We’ll Meet Again

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away

So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know 
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day

We'll meet again
Don't know where 
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through 
Just like you always do
'Til the blue skies 
Drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello 
To the folks that I know
Tell them it won't be long
They'll be happy to know 
That as you saw me go
I was singin' this song

We'll meet again 
Don't know where 
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day 

World War 2 Spitfire - can you print this out and fold to make the aeroplane ?

If you haven’t got a printer why not try to draw it yourself or ask your adults to help you ?
VE Day Thoughts - can you answer the questions ?
VE Day information 

Hope you all have a great week, enjoy your VE Day celebrations .

Keep safe, stay home and enjoy, missing you all.😊🌈

Week 27/4/20

Hope you have all had a busy week and helping your adults by doing all the activities we have set. Don’t forget Mrs Stephens and Mrs Hansen Spure ring everyone to see how you are all at home. 
One more than a number-  Write down numbers from 1 to 20 on your page. Next can you write what number is after that number. What number is after 1? Write the number Next to it. What number is after 2? Write down the number next to 2. Show your grown up to make sure your forming your numbers correctly. Join in with the you tube game -


Can you give instruction to move the beebot? Play hwb games j2e-


Fill in the missing numbers. Copy the numbers into your book from school and working with a grown up see if you can fill in the missing number. Some of these might be a bit tricky but have a go!

.Fill in the missing numbers

Don’t forget to continue to work on looking at the times on the clock - O’clock and half past. Play what’s the time Mr Wolf game.

Can you play shop using coins up to 10p or 20p ?   Can you give change ? Find different ways of making amounts up to 10p or 20p using the same coins or a mixture of coins.

Order the days of the week.  



Literacy Activities 

Can you recognise, read and write these words. Write the words in your book making sure your letters sit on the line. On Friday have a spelling test with your grown ups to see if you can remember how to spell all the words. 

Sounds- recap all the sounds that you have been learning and learn the new sounds   ck  e   u    r    h. 
Think of something that begins with these sounds and don’t forget to play I spy  games outside. Write the sentences in you book I can see a ....... 


Can you make some fingerprint minibeast and flowers like the ones in the picture? Look out the garden what can you see hiding under the ground and growing out of the ground? Get your paints ready and a little used yogurt pot to put your paint into and then create some picture in your home learning books. We can’t wait to see these when we go back to school.

Mini beast finger prints

Can you listen to this story and have a go at the activities. You can find the story on either iplayer or utube.

Zog by Julia Donaldson

Week 20/4/20

Hello we both hope you had a lovely Easter 🐣and lots of yummy Easter treats to eat.🐰🐣πŸ₯πŸ₯šπŸ«

Today we should be returning to school but we can’t yet as we have to stay safe at home. 
We hope you have all been busy having fun learning at home so far as well as enjoying the lovely sunshine  and making many memories with your family.

The local Education Authority - Central South Consortium have published a list of fun ideas and resources to be used at home. Please have a look and enjoy using them to help you learn. -


This week’s learning -


Read your Bug Club book as much as you can and complete the activities at the end of the story . 
Read The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson, if you haven’t got the book at home you can view it on BBC iplayer or YouTube .

Have a go at the activities below after reading the book.

Write in your diary and draw a picture to go with it, remember to write the date at the top. πŸ“…πŸ“–

This weeks sounds are -

g o c and k

Go over the sounds from previous weeks too- 

s a t p I n m d . 

Remember to say the  sounds , write the sounds following the letter sequence (given in home pack) and blend words from the sounds. 
Find objects starting with the sounds , make a ‘Snap’ game with the sounds .


Words from set 1 -satp

Words from set 2-

Words from this week’s sounds set 3-


Continue to form numbers correctly, how far can you count and write up to ? 

Can you order numbers to 20 , from lowest to highest and then highest to lowest ?

Can you order numbers higher than 20 ?


Count in 1’s, 2’s 5’s and 10’s. - how far can you count up to ?


Read and write number words to 10 , can you go up to 20 ?


Recall one more or one less up to 20 , can you go higher than 20 ?


Can you play snakes and ladders ? If you haven’t got one at home have a go at making one .


Measure some objects either using non-standard units like cubes, Lego blocks or with a ruler , order from shortest to longest . βœοΈπŸ“πŸ“

Read  o’clock and half past draw a picture of something that you do for one of the times . ⏰⏱🧭

If you need any help we will be contacting you throughout the week . πŸ“ž


Most importantly stay safe and enjoy this time with your family πŸ™‚

We miss you all lots 😒












Weeks 6/4/20- 13/4/20

Hello, we hope you are all keeping safe and smiling. These 2 weeks should have been your Easter holidays so here are some fun activities for you to try.

Missing you all lots

from Mrs Stephens and Mrs Hansen-Spure

Easter Activities;-

Draw, paint, colour an Easter Egg.


Ask your grown up if they will boil an egg for you. Let the egg cool and then carefully decorate the egg with patterns or can you create a superhero egg? 


Using a cardboard box can you make an Easter chick , can you remember the robin we made at Christmas ?

Draw around and cut out a dinner plate (body), a side plate twice (use one for head and one for wings, cut this one in half). Paint, colour or collage. Using the left over cardboard cut out legs, beak and eyes.  And there you have your chick.    

Listen to and share a story from Bug club with your family. Ask your grown up questions - who was their favourite character? What part of the story did they like best? Answer the questions at the end of the book and write a book review.


Plan an Easter Egg hunt. Decorate some boiled eggs and hide them in your house or garden. Create invites for your family with the time and place when it is going to happen. Who will find the most eggs? 


Look for the Easter story on Cbeebies.



Create family salt dough hand prints. Make the dough with a grown up and have lots of fun! Once it is hard get a black marker and write who's hand prints they are and the date.

Or you could draw around your hands and cut out, if you haven't got any flour.

 Salt dough easy recipe -

Happy Easter🐣 🐣 Stay safe 🐰 🐰 Stay home πŸ₯πŸ₯

Tonyrefail Parish Art πŸ–Ό  

Online activities 

Easter colourings -



Week 30/3/20

Hope you have all had a busy week at home and have been reading, exploring and learning at home. 

Activities for the week-


Draw, design and create an Easter card for your family. Write inside your card -Happy Easter love from ... don’t forget we always start our letters at the top and rest them on the line. Ask a grown up if they can draw three lines across the page for your writing. 

Read your reading books on Bug club and find the hidden bugs. 

Complete the activities set on the last page. 

Practise writing the letters s a t p i n m d and saying the sounds the letters make. Can you make some words using these letters and using the Tricky words in the song (details below) write some sentences. 

Mathematical development -

Talk about the times on the clock. Can you make your own clock. Draw around a small plate and using a real clock copy the numbers and write the numbers around the circle. With a pencil draw two hand and record what time you are doing things throughout the day. 

Online activities 

Links to hwb

When logged into hwb go to office 365 and find the icon Teams. Within this there is a range of assignments that you can do at home in addition to these games. 

Mathematical development- 

Learn number words and matching to an amount up to 5 and then 10.  
Can you go higher than 10?


We have been learning about time in class looking at o’clock .⏰⏱ This is a fun interactive time game to play together -


Literacy games-

Recognise and join in with the tricky word song from the letters and sound programme-


Recap the letter sounds s a t p i this week and play the buried treasure games -


Lets practise our blending using s a t p i-



Log into your hwb accounts and using Just2easy-J2e5 - can you create a spring picture with some things we see during this time of year. ( baby lambs, πŸ‘chicks, πŸ₯daffodils, 🌼buds on trees and plants,🌱 baby rabbits πŸ‡and don’t forget what does the sky look like?) Write some  sentences with In spring I can see.....


Log into hwb J2Code- can you take the butterfly to the flowers using the arrows. Don’t forget to go to each flower and then press the play button to show your family how to do it. 


Don't forget this weeks window challenge is Flowers πŸ’ 🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺πŸ₯€ can you add a flower drawing/painting to your window display ? 

You may have already created a rainbow 🌈 and a silly face πŸ€ͺ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ€¨from last week.  

go on utube and look for Just Dance , there are lots of songs that you like on there and you can learn a dance routine πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ. 

if you can keep a empty box (cereal box size )ready for one of next weeks tasks.




Enjoy, keep safe , missing you all 😊





Week beginning 23/03/2020


Activities  for this week -

Paint or colour a rainbow 🌈 to display in your window it will really make people smile.


language - 

Start writing/ drawing a diary each day,πŸ“•

Read your reading book πŸ“–and complete a book review. Talk about the story.

We are able to check when you have read your book, please try to read as much as you can πŸ“š.


Sounds for this week are - 

Phase 2  - s a t p ✏️

practise saying the sounds and blending words built using the words . (See phase2 words included in home pack) 

where possible children can write / copywrite own sentence using the words ,

A recommended site for correct pronunciation will be listed below . 

Maths - 

practise number formation 

Adding and subtracting to 10, 20 or 30 start from the lowest amount . 
We usually do ‘ Big Maths ‘ each day can you practise the tests and learn it’s . 

practise halving and doubling numbers up to 10 (only even numbers ) 

recognise odd and even numbers .


Each day we have circle time where we discuss our feelings maybe this could be done within your family during this unsettling time . 

Below is information about a PE session which can be found on You tube . 


We hope you have a happy and safe week ahead , keep washing your hands everyone πŸ–πŸΎπŸ€šπŸ»πŸ‘‹

Thank you 😊




High frequency words phase 2 to help you learn at home

Watch live webcams from inside the animal enclosures in Edinburgh Zoo.



P E with Joe Wicks

The World of David Walliams is releasing an audio story from The World’s Worst Children every day for the next 30 days! 

Keep the kids busy with these daily audio treats, perfect for tea-and-biscuit breaks β˜•

Head to each day for the latest story!

Week 16/3/20

A fun interactive story to explain about our country and school

closures at this time. -


Phonics play code to access the site free at home. 

Phonics play website code to access it free at home.,


Activities and games you can use at home to help your child learn.


Please log into the parents link on the main page to access your child’s reading book and maths games through Pearson learning. 

Activities to do at home in addition to the packs which you have received from school. 

Literacy, Mathematical development and topic activities

-Read a story and talk about the characters, the setting and what you like best about the story. Write a sentence to say why you liked it. 
-Draw a picture of your house, what is special about it? What does it look like? Write a few words to explain your picture. 
-Write your name correctly forming the letters. Don’t forget we always start at the top. Sing the rhyme as your writing the letters. 
-Write numbers in order to 20. Don’t forget we always start at the top. 
-Sing numbed songs(5 current buns, 5 little ducks,5 little men in a flying saucer).

-Draw a Spring picture and label the drawing. What can we see outside that tells us Spring has come? 

-Play table top games taking it in turns. 
-Play I Spy games. 

-Draw a picture of your family and write why they are special to you. 
-Play shop with real coins using 1p and 2p coins. 
-Learn how to zip up your coat. 


Useful websites for your child to use at home


Mathematical development games-


Learning about o'clock

Developing our counting and number skills

Match the spots to the numbers

Ordering numbers to 20

Ordering numbers to 10


Letters and sounds information and games


Phonics games- phase 2 - inital sounds game

Letter and sounds blending phase 2-

Spelling game for year 1


Online reading books to read at home extra to Active learning



Week 9/3/20

This week we are celebrating on Friday Sports Relief Day. We have lots of fun things planned. We are going to be wearing our P.E kits instead of our uniform. 
LLC - this week we are learning in Reception class to form our letters correctly and sitting on the line. In year 1 we are learning to write simple sentences following the phonics programme letters and sounds as well as remembering to use capital letters , full stops and finger spaces in our writing. 
MD- we are learning about time and using an analogue clock to read o’clock.

Creative- we are starting to design our own Mother’s Day cards. We are going to be using a range of techniques to create our cards.

Topic- we are learning about Famous Welsh people. 

Our sports relief day

Spring Term Topic.


Our Topic this term is 'Love Where We Live'

Week 02/03/2020

This week we have been celebrating World book day. We have been busy sharing stories and writing about our favourite character in a story.

In maths we have been developing our number formation and ordering skills. We have been sorting objects through size and sequencing what we do throughout the day. 

As part of World book day we have been sharing a story with our friends from class 4. We all enjoyed! 

World book day celebrations. Look what we have been doing!

World book day sharing a book with class 4

As part of Welsh week we have been creating our artwork for the eisteddfod. We have been looking at real daffodils and then painting our own. We have had lots of fun. 
On Friday we will be having our whole school Eisteddfod day. Work we have been doing all week will be judged and we are busy singing I can see a rainbow in Welsh. 

What we have been learning about this week in Class 2


We have been learning about special places in our homes. We have all shared with our friends where our special place is and why it is special to us. In our books we have drawn a picture of our favourite place and written a sentence explaining why.


In Language, literacy and communication we have been learning to write our address and write simple sentences remembering our Capital letters, Full stops and Finger spaces. 


In maths we have been learning about money and giving change and we have been discussing temperatures using hotter/colder/warmer. 


In Topic we are learning about where we live, what our home looks like, number of windows and door, if it has a garden etc. Next week we are going to be discussing and sharing with our friends how we get to school from our home and the journey we take every day. 


Week 24/2/20
This week we are celebrating Shrove Tuesday and Welsh week. This week we have been busy flipping, ordering and counting pancakes in our enhanced provision.  We also enjoyed eating  real ones at ‘Tasty Time’.

Tossing pancakes for pancake day

Week 3/2/20

This week in class we are learning to:-

In our literacy lessons we are learning to create our own stories reflecting on our Alan Peat sentences from last week.


Maths- we are creating our own set of instructions using a map of our classroom to help our friends get to the sink from the front door etc (we hope we don’t write down the wrong instructions).We are also continuing to learn about odd and even numbers.


Ict- we are continuing to learn about staying safe when we are online with the help of Smartie the Penguin.


Topic-We are learning about our village and what shops/attractions are in Tonyrefail. Next week we are going to walk to the village shops.


Week 27/1/20 


In LLC we are learning to create sentences using Alan Peat. We are going to concentrate on using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and adjectives. 

In maths we are learning about odd and even numbers and positional language. 

In topic we are learning about plans of our home and school. 



We have had a busy week learning lots of new things

Week 10/2/20

The class walk to Tonyrefail has been postponed until Tuesday the 11/2/20 due to poor weather conditions. 


This week it is Safer Internet Week, the aim this year is:-  uk wide conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. We will be learning to be respectful by working on and listening to the story about sharing images online of our friends and not being respectful and responsible for out actions as well as continuing to be safe using Smartie the Penguin. 


In LLC we will be continuing to work on Alan Peat sentences to create a story.

In Maths we will be learning about time. We will be creating our own clocks and using these to read the times looking at o'clock. 

In Topic this week we are going on a walk to explore Tonyrefail with out grownups. We will be creating lists of what we have seen on our adventure and taking the ipad to take photos of what we see in the village of Tonyrefail. 


We have a busy week and look forward to seeing our grownups come into school on Thursday pm to learn about The Restorative appraoch we have started to use in our school and in our classroom. Please come and support our school and work with us in class ! 

We had a great time walking to the centre of Tonyrefail village. 😊We saw lots of different types of homes. We found out we have many places to go and have fun,  a variety of shops,  a church and a theatre. 
Thank  you to all the grown-ups that came with us , we hope you enjoyed as much as we did ?

Especially the wind and snow πŸŒ¬β„οΈ

We are learning about where we live. We created digital pictures of our homes

We have been exploring Tonyrefail

Spring Term 2020- Mind Map Topic Planner
