
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School

Learning together, trusting each other


Clever Crocodiles (Pre-Nursery / Nursery )

Week beginning 29th June

Hi everyone!

This week, we will be providing a paper pack of resources and activities for you to do. Mrs Newman and Miss Watts will be delivering them to your door.

Inside your pack you will have: number formation, handwriting practice, cutting activities, well being acivities and lots more.


Remember to share a story everyday, keep counting and recognising numbers 1-10.


Don't forget to stay active and healthy. Cosmic yoga on youtube is great and PE with Joe Wicks. 


BBC Bitesize also has some excellent resources and videos.

Week beginning 15th June 2020


School challenge: Over the next 2 weeks, we are collecting photographs for our school video 'The Tref-Y-Rhyg Flower Show'. We would love to see photographs of your child in a garden, on a walk, planting seeds, watering flowers, looking at nature. Please send the photos to my email address:


Jack and the Beanstalk - read the story with your child. Google Jack and the Beanstalk on Cbeebies - BBC teach. The story is animated and gives you questions to discuss with your child. It also provides activities such as counting beans, growing a beanstalk at home etc.


You could also paint the characters or a beanstalk. Maybe collect some green leaves from your daily walk and make a beanstalk. Talk about how tall the beanstalk is in the story. Find tall and short objects. 


Talk about the cow in the story - what do cows eat? what different colour cows do you see? What do cows give us? There are some great videos on youtube showing how to milk cows. Google 'Milking cows for kids' and some lovely animations are available. 

Make a milkshake together or have a go at making ice-cream. 


Grown your own beanstalk in a jar:

Wet a large handful of cotton balls and place them in the glass jar. The cotton should be wet, but not dripping, and no water should pool in the glass.

Wedge dried beans between the cotton balls and the side of the jar. Use at least two beans so that if there is something wrong with one of them, the other will grow.

Make predictions about what will happen and observe your beans twice a day. Add a few drops of water to the cotton balls each day to keep them moist. You should start seeing changes after just a single day!


Remember to keep reading stories, talking in longer sentences, counting, recognising colours and spotting shapes.

Week beginning 1st June

I hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine during half term. It's been so beautiful.



Every 2 weeks, the pupils in Tref Y Rhyg will be having a challenge. We would love photographs to show your child's creations so that we can put together a video. The first challenge will be called 'Amazing Art Ninjas'. Some of your children may have watched The Art Ninja on CBBC. All we need is a photo of your child holding a piece of art work they have done - this could be a drawing, painting, model, collage etc. We can't wait to see your beautiful works of art. I have text you my email address so that you can send me your photos. Happy creating!


Here are some activities for you this week.


1. Go for a lovely walk. Can you spot things beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Maybe collect some leaves/sticks/flowers. Can you say Bore da (Good morning) or Prynhawn da (Good afternoon) to people you pass/meet?


2. Create a nature rainbow. Use leaves/petals from your walk/or your garden. 


3. Treasure hunt: Can you find...

  • something shiny
  • something yellow
  • something alive
  • a petal
  • a smooth stone
  • 3 different leaves


4.  Plant some sunflower seeds. Plant 3 or 4 and see which grows first. Maybe keep a photo diary of how they grow. Remember to water it! 


5. Practise writing your first name. Use rainbow colour pens/pencils


6. Remember to practise counting, spotting shapes and colours


7. Read lots of stories. Talk about the pictures in depth.


8. Make someone smile. Draw a picture and post it to your friend or family member. It will really brighten their day!

Week Beginning 18th May - Peace and Goodwill


Every year, for 98 years, Urdd Gobaith Cymru have issued a message which is unique to Wales.


This year, the theme of the message reflects the feelings and desires of the young people in Wales during the Covid-19 virus pandemic.


We would like you to talk to your child about how they are feeling about Lockdown, what they are enjoying, what they are missing, etc.  Then discuss what they would like to do when Lockdown is over, who they would like to see, places they would like to visit, etc.


Maybe you could draw some pictures together to represent they thoughts and feelings.


We hope you enjoy this activity!


Stay safe,

Mrs Newman


Week Beginning Monday 11th May - Prepositions


Hello everybody, hope you are all well and had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!


This week, we would like you to practise some simple prepositions - using in front of, on top, by the side, behind, underneath.  I've included some photographs below as examples.


Use toys to help you play games, give the children instructions - but only one at a time.

For example:

Can you put the car in front of the robot?

in front of 

Can you put the car on top of the robot?

on top of

Can you put the car by the side of the robot?

by the side of

Can you put the car behind the robot?


Can you put the car underneath the robot?



Please don't worry if your child confuses the prepositions, they are learning them still!  You can also practise them within your everyday routines at home.


Take care everyone, stay safe.

Mrs Newman

Week beginning 4th May 2020

Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping safe and well. 


1. This Friday is VE Day. If you visit and search 'VE Day kids', several videos/information will come up to help you simply explain what VE Day is. Let your child know that we are celebrating as a country. 

Together with your child, plan your VE Day celebration. Talk about what a celebration is, how we usually celebrate, what will we need.


2. Show your child some bunting. Cut out some triangle shapes. Encourage your child to design some bunting using red, blue and white. Hang it on the front of your house or in the garden.

If you have a printer, there are some Union Jack bunting on the Twinkl for your child to colour. 


3. Make paper aeroplanes - show your child a photo of a spitfire. Can they make their own? Decorate it using camouflage colours! Give your plane a number. Maybe have a family challenge - each person makes their own paper aeroplane, take it in turns to throw it and see whose travels the furthest!


4. Food for the party - discuss with your child the different types of party food.  What is their favourite? What sandwiches would they like? What treats? What fruit/veg snacks? What drinks?

Write a menu together. Encourage your child to hear the first sound - for example - 's' for sandwich, 'c' for cucumber etc. Write the sound for them and ask your child to write over the top of your letter - make sure they say the sound and hold the pen/pencil correctly. 


5. Look at some war time medals that soldiers were awarded. Make a medal to wear on VE day. Use materials from the house - maybe ribbon, card, foil to make it shiny,


6. Sing some wartime songs! 


7. Other activities this week -

  • Give you toys a wash! Maybe wash your bike or scooter, your little cars or dolls. Help your parent wash your car! 
  • Play the memory game (Kim's Game). Put lots of objects on a tray, study them, then someone takes one away without you looking and you have to guess what is missing!
  • Read lot's of stories - We're Going on a Bear Hunt is lovely! (We will be using this for next week's activities)
  • Remember to count forwards, backwards. Try one more than a number - eg What is one more than 5? 
  • The website 'Top Marks' has lots of maths activities for your child


Have a super week, keep safe and enjoy celebrating VE Day.

Mrs Scott






Week beginning - April 27th 

Carrying on with the Spring theme


1. Sing some Spring Nursery rhymes together: Five little speckled frogs, 5 Little Ducks, Mary had a little lamb,Little Bo Peep (these are on YouTube/internet). Paint/draw/collage a frog or a duck or a lamb.


2. Five little speckled frogs - make 5 lily pads using maybe paper/card/leaves/ and make 5 frog puppets - use some socks on your hand or make some using card/paper and stick to a lollipop stick/straw/garden stick. Practise counting the frogs, the lily pads. 


3. Find out how frogs are born. Can you draw the tadpoles? Where do they live? Maybe ring a relative to tell them what you have learned about frogs and sing them 5 little speckled frogs. This may cheer someone up!


4. Remember to keep reading together, counting and recognising numbers 1-10.


5. Practise writing your child's name with them. Encourage them to hold the pencil/pen properly. A good idea is to write their name for them and they write over the top. Then you can show them where to start each letter. 


6. Bath time fun - use clean and empty containers to fill, pour and empty! Use words/phrases like - fill it up, pour it out, is it empty?, how may containers can you fill with this big container. 

Sing the Spring Nursery rhymes in the bath!


7. Challenge - Brush your teeth every morning and evening for 2 minutes. Use a stopwatch!


Keep safe and well. We look forward to seeing you all soon xxx

April 20th, 2020


We hope you have had a great Easter break and had some tasty chocolate treats!

Some activities for this week. 


1. We are now in Spring.

Go on a Spring walk/google Spring pictures. Spot some signs of Spring - flowers growing, new lambs, minibeasts - worms, ladybirds, butterflies, bees, blossom trees. Maybe take some photos if you spot them on your daily walk. When you get home, draw or paint a Spring picture.


You could even make a Spring craft - an egg box caterpillar, a tissue paper butterfly, paint a pebble to look like a minibeast or a flower. Be as creative as you can. There are lots of ideas online too! Just google Spring crafts for kids.


2. Read the 'Hungry Caterpillar'. It's on YouTube if you haven't got a copy.


Spot what fruits the caterpillar eats. If you have the fruits at home, talk about how they look, feel, smell and taste. Count how many fruits are on each page. Count the fruits you have at home. Have you got different fruits at home?- use your senses to talk about them.

Perhaps make a fruit salad - your child can help you peel and chop. 


If you go on Twinkl and have access to a printer, you can print of some lovely activities regarding the story. 


Repeat the story everyday this week and encourage your child to join in. 


The story also talks about the days of the week. Practise saying the days of the week. Each day, ask your child what day it is. Ask - what day was it yesterday, what day is tomorrow?


3. Remember to read as much as you can to your child. Maybe create a special reading den with your child.

Do lots of counting, shape spotting.


4. Challenge - can you get dressed and undressed by yourself everyday this week? Maybe make a reward chart together so that they can see their progress through the week. Maybe a tick sheet/smiley face chart/ stars. Agree to a little treat if they can dress/undress themselves everyday. 



6.4.2020 - Easter activities

Hi everyone, I really hope you're all safe and well. Here are some Easter activities for you to try. 

  • Easter Activities – choose as many activities as you can…
  • Easter Egg Art – draw an egg and decorate it. Maybe paint or collage it.
  • Boil an egg with an adult. Let it cool. Add maybe a pattern or create an animal face:
  • Empty egg carton spring chicks!
  • Easter egg hunt – around the house and garden
  • Egg and spoon races
  • Easter Rice Crispy cakes. Melt some chocolate, stir in some rice crispies/cornflakes, add some chocolate eggs on top, pop in the fridge. Tasty!
  • Go on to the Twinkl website. There a re loads of fun activities to download, colour, make and do.
  • Watch the Easter film 'Hop' together and talk about your favourite part and what happened.
  • Plant some flowers/herbs/vegetable seeds in the garden or in pots.
  • Have a little picnic in the garden/living room for your teddies/favourite toys.
  • Blow bubbles. Why not try making your own bubble mixture? 
  • Read Easter stories - there are lots of great stories and songs on Youtube. Just type in 'Easter stories for kids'. 

Have a lovely Easter.

Stay safe and well.

Mrs Scott, Mrs Newman and Miss Watts


March 31st

More great resources online: - great educational games – FREE downloadable resource – 100 things to do indoors - username: march20   password:  home   (Choose Phase 1 or 2)


Get building! Use LEGO, playing cards or something else! Lots of LEGO ideas on the 30 day LEGO Challenge downloadable free from





Class 1 - Learning at Home Activities/Ideas

Here are some activities to carry out with your child if you are at home self-isolating.


1. Read lots of books to your child - encourage them to talk about the pictures, discuss the characters, what is happening, favourite part of the story.

2. Nursery Rhymes - one the first steps to reading is being able to say Nursery Rhymes. Children enjoy adding actions and listening for the rhyming word. Youtube and BBC website have plenty of Nursery rhymes for your child to join in with. 

3. Drawing, colouring in, writing their name - encourage your child to hold the pen/pencil correctly. 

4. Painting pictures, printing with paint, chalks



5. Counting - Sing counting songs (Once I caught a fish alive, 5 speckled frogs etc - Youtube have so many counting songs.) Practise counting objects - make sure your child touches each object as they say the number. Count backwards from 10.

6. Practise recognising numbers 1-10. Eg - hide numbers around the house - go on a number hunt. Order numbers 1-3, 1-5, 1-10.

7. Practise writing numbers 1-10. Start with 1-3 and progress slowly to 10. 

8. Shapes - circles, squares, triangles, rectangles - spot shapes in the house. Draw shapes. Colour shape pictures.

9. Measure - Use mathematical language to talk about objects - 'big', 'small', 'heavy', 'light', 'tall', 'short', 'long'. 

10. Pattern - Recognise animals with pattern - eg zebras, tigers - discuss the pattern. Spot patterns in the home. 11.Create a pattern eg red crayon, blue crayon, red crayon, blue crayon - encourage your child to copy the pattern.

12. Time - Create a daily routine. Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Discuss what happens next, before, after etc

13. Sorting - Give your child problems to sort! Pair the matching socks, sort the fruits - all the apples together, the bananas etc. Discuss why they have sorted in that way.



14. Sitting at the table to eat food

15. Using cutlery correctly to eat food

16. Talk about feelings

17. Play board games together, puzzles, dominoes, etc to encourage taking turns

18. Practise getting dressed independently. Doing a zips up. Shoes on correctly.

19. Talking about healthy foods and drinking water


PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - Gross motor and fine motor skills

20. Yoga - Cosmic Yoga for kids is great online

21. Play 'Simon Says ...'

22.Super Movers on BBC Website

23. Playdough - strengthens hands ready for writing. Goggle 'Dough Disco' for fun ideas with playdough

24. Building with blocks, Lego, stickle bricks

25. Threading with lace, beads, buttons




Welcome to the 'Clever Crocodiles' class!


Our teachers are Mrs Newman and Mrs Scott.

We also have two Learning Support Assistants, Miss Watts and Miss Hefford.


Our topic this term is 'Love Where We Live'.  We will be learning about our local community and the people that help us, and we have lots of exciting activities planned.

Parent Welcome letter/Curriulum Map Jan 2020

Parental Engagment session

Reading Cafe. Come and join us every Wednesday 3.15-4.15 with your child.

Police Visit

As part of our topic 'Love Where We Live', we have been learning about people who help us.

Last week we were lucky enough to have a visit from our local PCSOs Cath James and Alan Blackburn.  They talked to us about all the ways that the Police help us, and we even tried on their special Police hats!

Diolch yn fawr iawn PCSO Cath James and PSCO Alan Blackburn

Our visit from PCSOs Cath James and Alan Blackburn
